You Gotta Fight!

When the going gets tough, take the advice of the Beastie Boys and “Fight for your right to PARTY!”
No matter what your life is filled with right now, add some fun, even if you don’t feel like you can, or should! Fight with yourself and win! Give yourself permission to TAKE the time and enjoy your life, even when you feel like there is just “no time for fun”. All work and no play will add up to a meltdown of unhappiness. Fun is a stress reliever. Smiling and laughing increases your positivity, which will add energy and vitality to your life and propel you forward.

Yee Haw Cowboy!

This week, I have been invited to attend an event called “Bull Bustin'” with my Unky. While I am feeling overwhelmed in other areas of my life, I am making time to hang with my Unky and enjoy some good ‘ole Stampede fun. Living in Calgary, we get used to all kinds of “rodeo-themed” events during our world famous Calgary Stampede. This annual event is aptly termed “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth”, and is something I think everyone should have on their bucket list to attend. Free pancake breakfasts all around town for 10 days straight, a license to party any time of the day, and a city dressed to the nines in jeans with over-sized belt buckles, cowboy boots and hats will have you shouting “Yee Haw” until the fireworks go off each night.
Let yourself have a little fun each week. (not too much, though, or you’ll regret it!) Let go of any guilt you may have about allowing yourself this time. It is essential for your well-being. Namaste.

Reach Out.

The Best Books on Self Help Encourage you to Reach Out!
There is someone in your life that needs you right now. Reach out to the people around you, and do whatever you can to help them. Sometimes, a phone call or a hug, some ice cream or some flowers, a card or a note can change someone’s day, and even their life. Don’t limit this to the people closest to you. Perhaps there is someone sitting on the outskirts of your life that you had a falling out with, or just someone you haven’t seen in a long time. Now is the time to reach out to them.
This week presented me with an opportunity to make someone smile just a little. This was someone who was previously quite close to me, but due to a large change in her personal life, had ended up skimming the perimeter of my life. I received a phone call from her early one morning, and the phone call did not go well. She was sad and angry, and she lashed out at me. Realizing that she was not in a good place, I decided to take some action. After a quick stop at the grocery store, I arrived at her home with some flowers, some ice cream, and a hug. One of her first comments to me was “It took some guts to come here”. After a quick conversation, lots of tears, and several hugs, any misunderstandings that had been between between us were resolved.
I don’t think what I did took guts. I think it took compassion, and an understanding that her behavior toward me was not personal. I felt an intense desire to help in any way I could. Life is too short to let fear hold you back from doing great things.
Reach out to someone today, even if you are afraid of the response. You may end up pleasantly surprised in the results. Namaste.

Success Law: Grab a Thread.

Things will happen in your life that upset you. Things will happen that do not feel right, and don’t feel good. Situations will come up that are unexpected, scary, and hard to deal with. One of the hardest things to learn in this life is to let go of your negative feelings about things and situations. Life will get hard and things will always change. You can measure your own success by how quickly you can change the emotion of a situation from negative to positive.
I had the pleasure of meeting an incredible man this weekend. A man who had lost his wife suddenly in the last few weeks. Knowing of his loss, but not knowing him, I expected to meet a broken, sad man. I was wrong. The man I met was a pillar of strength, positivity, and calmness. His smile and his energy said it all. He had made peace with the loss. He had let go of the sadness, and was enjoying every moment of the life that he still vibrantly had, and wanted to shared with everyone around him. His strength made me realize that the recent emotional turmoil I was going through based on a recent change in my own life was simply unnecessary.
Every problem that arises in your life is actually an opportunity. Focus on seeing the positive outcomes of every situation as quickly as possible, and you will be able to turn your negative feelings into positive ones. Do not get stuck in a black hole of self pity. Things happen. You have the ability to control how you react to the situations.
Do not take things personally. EVER. You are amazing. You have the power, the stamina, the strength and the determination to achieve everything you think about. So make sure you think about great things.
Let go of the negative emotion. Grab onto the little threads of positivity all around you and start knitting yourself something. Perhaps you will start with a pair of slippers. Soon, you will have knitted a blanket of positivity that you can wrap yourself and your family in. If you keep pulling in the positive strings, and continue creating positivity, you will be changing the world, one thread at a time.
It’s OK to feel happy, even when bad things happen. Challenge yourself to see the good in EVERY situation. Namaste.

New Edmonton Retail Locations

Be That Girl is now available in 2 additional retail locations in Edmonton!

The Beauty Parlour and Chapters West Edmonton Mall

Be Sure to tell your Edmonton friends where to get it!

Be That Girl is also available on for your convenience for those of you not in Calgary or Edmonton. Check it out here! Be That Girl.: Simple Steps to Happiness.



How can I become a Millionaire? Get Smart.

When you see others having, or doing, the things that you would like to have, your first emotion may be jealousy. Why do they have that, and I don’t? How can they have the flexibility to do that, and I don’t?

It’s time to forget about jealousy forever, and become the student. When you see others who do, or have, the things you want, turn those people into your teachers. Start asking questions about how they did it and how they got to where they are. Be an eager and willing student, and always be seeking information.

Those who have done what you want to do, or have what you want to have, are the perfect mentors. Seek them out and do whatever you can to speak with them,  pick their brains, or have them take you on as their protege. Be prepared to work for, or pay for, the information…good mentoring will not be free.  You will appreciate the information and use it more wisely when you have made an investment in yourself and your future, either with your time or your money.

There is no need to recreate the wheel. Copy and  paste. If it worked for them, it can work for you. Discover their systems and use them in your own life. This is the shortcut to your success. So get smart today and your first million will be in your hands before you know it! Namaste.


How can I build Confidence? Treat Yourself.

You work hard. You need to take the time to relax and unwind. Treating yourself to this time will help you create your amazing future even faster!
It is easy to just go, go, go, and then just keep going! If you’re not doing, you’re not achieving, right? Wrong. You have got to take a breather once in a while and get your strength back, and keep your focus on track. Today, take a 20 minute break from “doing”, and focus on “thinking”.
Here are a few ways that you can restore yourself and regain your mental focus.

  • Take a long bath or a shower, by yourself.
  • Lock yourself in your bedroom and just sit on the bed quietly. Bring your journal, just in case.
  • Do yoga.
  • Do a small meditation and focus only on your breathing. Concentrate on visualize what you want for yourself.
  • Go out to the garden, or in your yard, and sit for 20 minutes without doing any work. Just enjoy what you have created.
  • Sit on your porch and do nothing but enjoy everything around you. You may also choose to sit on your couch if you live in Calgary, and it is still freezing in May!
  • Get up 20 minutes earlier than normal and just sit and have a coffee or tea before anyone else gets up. Enjoy the quiet and the lack of doing. Look out your windows and notice what is happening around you. You may just see a sunrise, some wildlife, or another thing that makes you wonder about your neighbor.

Start treating yourself to 20 minutes of “no do” time every week. Remind yourself that taking this 20 minutes is a huge part of creating your success. You will connect with yourself in ways that you have forgotten, and you will begin creating your future faster. Find true happiness in treating yourself each week. Make it important and do not justify it to anyone. If you are going to pick one thing to do to change your life, this has to be it. Find 20 minutes each week and start expanding yourself. Experience the joy of being with you, for you.  Namaste.

Success Law: Don’t Just Think…Do!

To get where you want to go, you have got to take action!

You need to keep your dreams and your end goals in mind and focus on them, but you will not get there unless you take some action! You can’t just think…you need to do!

In University, I focused on Neuroscience, and I got a lot of exposure to rats and surgical gloves! I remember the day that my professor demonstrated a rat perfusion, basically clearing the rats brain with saline and then putting the furry little guy in the rat guillotine and saying “off with his head!”. The brain was then removed and frozen in preparation for slicing. Honestly, I was just in shock watching this…it literally freaked me out!

Oddly enough, I still jumped at the chance to work in a neuroscience lab, which required me to do rat perfusions every day. The first time I performed the operation, it was not the same as watching it, or thinking about it. I was just focused on performing all of the actions properly, and collecting the research data, which would be found within the amazing brain I was preparing. Not as scary as I thought at all!

Thinking and doing are very different. You can scare the pants off yourself with your own thoughts, and your own imagination about how things might go. So, don’t think too much. Assess opportunities logically and then start taking action. Just do it!

You can “prepare” for things to happen,  but they will not actually happen unless you “do” things. So take the next step.

Do something that you’ve been scared to do today! It will be less scary than you thought…trust me! Your dreams are calling, and it’s time to start answering. Have a superb week.

Composting in Calgary.

I love being GREEN! It’s good for the environment, and it makes me feel so good to be doing things that contribute to our earth. Admittedly, though, I’m not perfect! This year, I got a little lazy with my compost through the winter. I kept adding everything I should  add, but I didn’t turn it like I should have every week. Last weekend, with spring finally upon us and the snow gone, I decided to to give my compost a real good turning. I was intending to use some of the “ready” stuff on my current garden beds. I really went to town digging and turning, and all of a sudden a bunch of cute little rodents came rushing up to the surface! They were looking at me as if to say “what the heck are you doing to our home lady?” I promptly stopped digging, closed the lid, and went in the house.
My consequence of not regularly turning the compost is VOLES! How nice. Rather than poison or trap the little critters, I decided to take a more humane approach. I have turned my compost every day, and I have added some water. The little grey rodents have vacated their comfy home, and I have my nutrient rich compost back! Gardening is not for the faint of heart!
The natural approach is always the best approach.
The warm, stagnant environment that I allowed in my compost made it way too nice for the voles, and I take full responsibility for allowing them to move on in. Making it an uninhabitable place is also my responsibility, and it is the easiest way to discourage any critters from hanging around too long.
Always think about using simple, natural methods as your first choice. Keep the healthy life balance going in your yard, and you will be blessed with healthy land, healthy gardens, and healthy families. One small step everyday by each of us can make a ginormous impact on the health of our planet. Being Green is a mindset that is contagious! Let’s all make an effort to create more harmony. Namaste.


Look at your life, and what you have created around you. Somewhere in your life there is a place that has the ability to heal you, and propel you. This place was designed by you, for you. No matter what your circumstance is right now, that space is there waiting for you. It is right there for the taking, but its power may be invisible to you. Your job is to find that place now, and use it.

For me, the front porch of our home has turned into my sanctuary. When I sit there, I feel totally at peace with myself, and with the Universe. I feel calm and my mind is clear. After 5 or 10 minutes in this space, I always feel rejuvenated and refreshed. If I am feeling emotional, this space allows me to feel those feelings intensely, while encouraging me to let go of those feelings fairly quickly. In this space, I can dream easily of where I want to be because my mind is quiet and free. Taking 5 or 10 minutes each day to focus on your dreams in the most important time you can give yourself, and it will create the largest results. Focusing on the result is the key. The “getting there” will happen if you focus on the goal.

Your goal is to find your sweet spot. Wherever that spot is for you. You will know it is right by how you feel when you are there…calm and free. Ask the Universe out loud to help you find your sweet spot, and you will be amazed at what is revealed. The spot is there…it is waiting for you. Change your life by finding it and then physically force yourself there as often as you can. Clear your mind of the daily grind and open up your soul to your dreams. Help yourself dream more easily and start creating more quickly. You will also rapidly increase your health just by taking 5 minutes each day to breath and let the thoughts of the day go. A game of hide-and-seek has begun. Report back to me at!

Where to look.

Years ago, when I was taking my motorcycle training, I learned a most important lesson. Everyone in the class lined up on their bikes single file at the bottom of a small hill. Our exercise was to drive up the little hill, turn around tightly at the top and then drive back down the hill. Sounds pretty straightforward. But it wasn’t for me. I would get to the top of the hill, try to turn, and I would drop my bike. Each time I would pick up my bike, feel frustrated and then I would drive down the hill. By the tenth time, I was in tears. I was tired from lifting my motorbike back up, and I was embarrassed that everyone in the class was watching me bite it time after time.


So what was I doing wrong? I kept going where I was looking, which was at the ground! My instructor told me to look where I wanted to go…not where I didn’t want to go!


I distinctly remember successfully completing the task for the first time. When I got to the top of the hill, I forced myself to whip my head around and look down the hill, instead of worrying about the ground. With my body following my lead, I eased my bike around that tight corner and cruised my way to victory at the bottom of the hill. Everyone cheered, including me.


You have got to look where you want to go in life, and sometimes you have to force yourself to do this as it is not an easy thing. Keep your focus on what you do want, and really try hard not to think about, or get caught up in, what you don’t want. Consciously remind yourself of this small lesson everyday, stay focused on your dreams even in the hardest moments and you’ll be cruising your way to success. Have a prosperous and fabulous week.    Follow me on facebook @bethatbooks to get inspired daily and find out the latest Be That news!