Value your network.

Do not underestimate how important your network is in your life.  Ensure that you maintain every relationship in your life, no matter how small, or infrequent your interactions are.  Keep your relationships positive and upbeat, and never leave things negative if it can be helped.

You never know when you will need someone to help you out, or when they will need your help.  It really doesn’t take long to connect with people.  A quick phone call or email will keep you in the forefront of people’s minds, and you never know what they will have to tell you when you do check in! You do not need a reason to check in with your network.  All you need to say is that you wanted to touch base with them and see how everything is going.  Is there anything you can do for them currently? Are they doing well, and prospering? How is their family? Reach out to as many people as you can every day.  Your network is the key to reaching your goals, and the information and assistance that you need is already waiting for you in your network.  You just need to start searching for it! Ask questions, provide information, and be generally compassionate and interested.  You will find what you need quickly, and it will seem like magic.

Start using your powers today to get everything you need.  Rock your network!

Make Things Happen!

The other day I was excitedly showing my book off to a lady at school. Her response was “Wow! I can’t believe this is happening to you!”

My reply was, “Oh, well I am making it happen!”

Things will not just randomly happen to you. You have got to take action and make things happen in your life! And the more action you take, the faster things can happen for you.

Just last February, I thought to myself “I am going to write a book!” And I did it! And it is now available in bookstores! That is so cool!

You can do anything if you put your mind to it, take action, and grab opportunities as they are presented to you. Go do it now! 🙂

Better a relationship in your life today!

Life gets so busy that we sometimes forget to take time to let the people we care about know how much they mean to us.  Make time today to show the people you love that you care about them, and are thinking about them.  Here are some ideas on how to let them know:

  • Send flowers and a meaningful card, or have flowers waiting for them when they come home (or bring them with you when you meet)
  • Send an e-card, or mail an actual card
  • Call them and tell them outright how you feel about them
  • Plan a date night
  • Cook their favorite dinner or dessert
  • Buy some rose petals and sprinkle them on the bed
  • Do something to make life easier for them, like washing their car or taking out the garbage / recycling
  • Put a note in their lunchbag, or on / under their pillow

It is amazing how good it feels to share with others.  And don’t forget about you! You should be the most important person in your life.  So be sure to do something nice for yourself today too.  Flowers are nice… Namaste.

Control what you think about.

Your mind is a powerful thing.  It will help you achieve, and get, the things you think about.  So you have got to think smart, think big, and think positive!

Do not focus on what you don’t have.  For example, you may be thinking “I do not have enough money!” or “I do not have enough time”.  Turn that thinking into “I am going to make more money!” and “I am going to make more time for me!”.

Also, do not complain to others about what you do not have.  Instead of “We are so tight on money right now, I just don’t know what to do!”, or “I just don’t have any time right now, I am so busy!”, try saying things out loud more like “I am going to really increase my cashflow this year!” and “I’ve been feeling really busy, but I have a plan to get everything I need in place to free up my time.”

Your mind hears everything that you say to yourself and to others, and it believes everything! At the subconscious level, you are creating your thoughts in your life.  Your mind will actively search out opportunities to create your thoughts, even when your thoughts are negative! So, create some positive thinking power!

And be careful what you wish for…or don’t be careful! Change your thinking and you can change your life.  Do not think about what you don’t want.  And don’t give control of your life away to others.  You are the driver.  So put your driving gloves on, and start thinking about your ideal life.    Start your engine and drive yourself to success! Namaste!

Inspire yourself.

My inspiration program includes inspiring yourself.

It is easy to look to others for inspiration and motivation. Others can help to get you back on track, or help convince you that you are on the right path, or make you realize that you need to choose a new path. But you can become so reliant on that external motivation, that when it is removed, there is no longer anything pushing you to keep going. You have got to be able to inspire yourself. Here’s how.

Visualize yourself grabbing onto the little pilot light inside of you. See yourself lighting that pilot light, and see it burning brightly and warmly. Keep adding fuel to that fire so that it never goes out! There are a lot of different ways to add fuel to your fire. Here are a few of my favorites.

Talk nicely to yourself. You are capable of anything.
Reward yourself when you accomplish anything.
Don’t worry about what other people think. What you think about yourself, and the path you are on, is all that matters.
Take positive actions in your life. And avoid negative situations and negative people.
Get active. Do Yoga. Smile.

Inspire yourself everyday and you will start reaping the rewards. Namaste.

My 100th Blog Post!

Success Law: Celebrate the Small Victories

Celebrate the little things in life as they come along. All the little victories add up to create the Big Goal that you are working towards, so get excited about the small stuff. Today, I am celebrating my 100th Blog Post on the Be That Girl website. Wow! How time flies when you are having fun. Today will also go down as the day that I finished my premiere book, Be That Girl! It will be available for sale on January 23, 2012.

How exciting to see a plan come together. Last March, I thought about writing Be That Girl. I registered my website domain, and learned to create my own website. I started writing down ideas in my notebook, and then I started typing. Any free time I had, I allocated to writing Be That Girl. I wrote on airplanes, in airports, in the car (while Ryan was driving),in coffee shops and pubs, and at home. I partnered with an incredible editor and a great manager, and then decided on a release date for the book.

Having a deadline on this project made it easy to plan when everything needed to be completed. I just looked at the deadline and worked backwards to create smaller deadlines for all of the pieces that would need to be completed in order to meet the deadline. I had a plan, and I worked the plan. And I am going to continue working it!

Go team Be That Girl! I am proud and excited, and I cannot wait to hold the completed book in my hands.

Always stay focused on the goal. Keep it clear in your mind. The more clearly you can see the goal in your head, the easier it will be to create it today. Do not get distracted. Stay focused. Put in the effort. And voila…you can do anything.

Have an incredible Saturday. Namaste.

Go Team!

Success Law: Form Teams Everywhere!

You were never meant to be alone in what you do. Life is much more fun and more rewarding when you have someone to share it with, professionally and personally. You will get farther much faster if you have amazing teams in place in all areas of your life.

Seek out people to share your life with who inspire you, and who complement your strengths and weaknesses. You do not have to be good at everything, so find people to partner with who have the qualities that are required.

Having a good partner, good friends, amazing support systems, close family, cohesive, smart work colleagues, as well as a great network of contacts is essential to a successful and happy life.

Think about forming teams in your life…from your family to your work colleagues. Think Big and think Together. Work toward similar goals with your teams and you will start achieving success sooner than you could ever have imagined.

Go Team O’Connor! Go Team On the Rocks! Go Team Tina and Ryan! Go Team Be That Girl!

What teams are you rooting for in your life? Start cheering them on today. Namaste.

Don’t Back Down!

Tom Petty Sang it Best…

“Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin me around
but I’ll stand my ground
…and I won’t back down”

This is your life, and you have control over it. When things stand in your way, don’t back down! Stand your ground! Keep trying, keep doing, keep moving! There is always a way around every obstacle… around it, through it, over it, or taking a detour away from it. Don’t get discouraged. Things may not always go the way you thought they would, but if you keep focused on the end goal, you’ll get there no matter what route you take. Namaste.

Cheers to 2012!

Ringing in the New Year this year, I was struck by how profound it was to actually celebrate the start of something new. The excitement that built as we anticipated the arrival of midnight was intense and exciting. Everyone got ready and made sure they were close to the person they wanted to kiss or hug once New Year hit. We were so excited, we started our countdown at 30. By the time we hit “Happy New Year!” the volume in the room was high!

As I went around the room to collect my New Year hugs, I realized something. New Year’s is the perfect time to replenish energy through hugging! You can really get in a lot of hugs all at once, and it feels amazing. The entire room was filled with a buzz of excitement, energy and emotion. You could feel all of the optimism, wonder, and mystery as we welcomed in a new year filled with unknowns, mixed with the many feelings we all had of saying goodbye to another year.

Being surrounded entirely by family and friends in one room was like the icing on the cake of this last year. And a perfect way to start out a fresh new year.

The year of 2012. A year of change. A new start. A clean slate. This is your year. Namaste.


Not too much. Not too little. Start getting things “just right” in your life by balancing, and prioritizing.

Been spending a lot of time at work? No worry’s. Just make sure you take some extra time to relax, have fun, and spend time with your family and friends. Been having too much fun lately? That’s ok too, but you still have to make up the time that you missed from the other things that require effort in your life. You can’t just slack off or you will not get the results you want in your life. Ensure that you have a healthy balance, and you will never feel ripped off when you have to put extra effort into other things in your life temporarily. Namaste.