My 100th Blog Post!

Success Law: Celebrate the Small Victories

Celebrate the little things in life as they come along. All the little victories add up to create the Big Goal that you are working towards, so get excited about the small stuff. Today, I am celebrating my 100th Blog Post on the Be That Girl website. Wow! How time flies when you are having fun. Today will also go down as the day that I finished my premiere book, Be That Girl! It will be available for sale on January 23, 2012.

How exciting to see a plan come together. Last March, I thought about writing Be That Girl. I registered my website domain, and learned to create my own website. I started writing down ideas in my notebook, and then I started typing. Any free time I had, I allocated to writing Be That Girl. I wrote on airplanes, in airports, in the car (while Ryan was driving),in coffee shops and pubs, and at home. I partnered with an incredible editor and a great manager, and then decided on a release date for the book.

Having a deadline on this project made it easy to plan when everything needed to be completed. I just looked at the deadline and worked backwards to create smaller deadlines for all of the pieces that would need to be completed in order to meet the deadline. I had a plan, and I worked the plan. And I am going to continue working it!

Go team Be That Girl! I am proud and excited, and I cannot wait to hold the completed book in my hands.

Always stay focused on the goal. Keep it clear in your mind. The more clearly you can see the goal in your head, the easier it will be to create it today. Do not get distracted. Stay focused. Put in the effort. And voila…you can do anything.

Have an incredible Saturday. Namaste.

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