Promote Yourself.

Take a piece of paper and write down at the top

“Awesome things about ” Insert Your Name”.  For me, it would be “Awesome things about Tina O’Connor”.

Write down your accomplishments in life as of today.  Try to write down at least 5 things, but write as much as you can! Here are some examples:

  • I completed grade 12
  • I have a degree in ——-
  • I have volunteered at the women’s shelter
  • I secured a job at ——
  • I helped an older person across the street the other day
  • I am a licensed —–
  • I am in school to be a —–
  • I remember phone numbers, and PLU codes for vegetables, and my airmiles number
  • I never forget a face
  • I have an amazing smile
  • I am great with kids (or animals)
  • I am assertive (outgoing, fun, energetic, outrageous)
  • I play the violin (or piano, guitar, etc)
  • I can fit my fist in my mouth (this one is for someone special in my life!)

This is a personal list, and one that should be fun.  Read your list over when you are done, and give yourself a pat on the back.  YOU ARE AMAZING.

Now start treating yourself like the amazing person you are.   And starting today, do whatever it takes to add things to your awesome list.

Have an abundant day! Namaste.

“You’re never fully dressed…”

From the musical Annie.

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”

“It’s what you wear from ear to ear,  and not from head to toe (that matters). ”

Make sure you put your smile on with your clothes today!

Happy Monday.  Namaste!


Read books on things you are passionate about. Read more books on being successful. Read other successful people’s biographies. Read books written by your heroes. Reading is a common trait of highly successful people, so do as they do.

On getting what you want.

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease”

The only way you will get what you want is by asking for it! And do not take “no” for an answer.  There is always a way, so just keep asking questions, even when you run into roadblocks.  You may need to ask different people, or ask for it in a different way, but be persistent.  The result is what we want, so keep it in the forefront of your mind.   How we get there may not matter as much, so be prepared to follow a path that you may not have been down before, or that you did not anticipate.  Be prepared for the opportunities that come when you start asking for things.  You will get the grease if you are squeaky enough.  Namaste!

4 Hugs a Day…

“4 Hugs a Day, that’s the minimum.  4 Hugs a Day, not the maximum!”

You need 4 hugs a day just to survive, but don’t stop there! The more the better! Human touch is essential to our well being, so start hugging more! Once you start doing this more, you will notice how a simple hug can energize you and make you feel better.  And the longer the hug, the better.   Improve your day with a hug (or 4!).  Namaste!


How did it feel to wake up this morning? Did you wake up excited about the start of a new week? Did you wake up feeling anxious and grumpy?

Get control over your Monday! If you woke up feeling anxious and grumpy, there are 2 things you can do to change that.

1. Change what you are doing in your life immediately.  If the thought of going into your job today gives you chest pain, and you continue down that road for long enough, it will consume you.  Do not be afraid of change.  Embrace it.

2. Change your thinking about what you do!

“The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.”
James M. Barrie

If you simply must do what you are doing, but it has been leaving a foul taste in your mouth, you need to change your thinking.  You do have control! Start by changing every negative thought you have about what you do into a positive one.  Stop complaining about where you are, especially if you are not prepared to make a change.  Be thankful for what you have and you will start enjoying it!

There are only 2 choices.  Start your Happy Monday plan today.



Soulful Sunday

Be thankful today for everything you have in your life. Tell someone in your life how much you appreciate them. Look straight up and tell the Universe that you appreciate everything. Smile at someone who isn’t smiling, and make them smile! Namaste!