Sing your way through life.

“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.”
Lao Tzu

There is a song for every moment in your life.  And sometimes, it just feels good to sing your song.

When I need to rock it out… Metallica One.

When I need a pick me up, or am singing Karaoke… I’m Yours, Jason Mraz.

When I’m hauling booze… any top 20 with big base, played loud.

When I just need to feel more emotion… Adele, Someone Like You.

Figure out what songs really motivate you and make you feel good.  Play more of those.  And sing along.  The Universe will hear you.  Namaste.


Do what you need to do.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
Thomas A. Edison

Sometimes you have to do things that you do not love to get to where you want to be.  Change your thinking about what you do, and you will start enjoying the process.

And remember, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.  Effort = Results.  Namaste.

Be Honest.

Be honest with yourself and everyone else in your life.  Being honest with yourself means to always respect and listen to yourself.  You know deep inside of you what is right for you, and what is not, and also what you really want out of life.  Listen to yourself.  You know what is best for you.

Be honest with others, and always tell the truth.  Be straight up with the people in your life.  Even if you feel like you are going to hurt someone’s feelings, be honest in the most tactful way possible.  You can only control your own feelings.

If you are honest, you will develop an amazing sense of trust in yourself.  Others will respect you and look up to you for being true to yourself and to them.


On getting what you want.

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease”

The only way you will get what you want is by asking for it! And do not take “no” for an answer.  There is always a way, so just keep asking questions, even when you run into roadblocks.  You may need to ask different people, or ask for it in a different way, but be persistent.  The result is what we want, so keep it in the forefront of your mind.   How we get there may not matter as much, so be prepared to follow a path that you may not have been down before, or that you did not anticipate.  Be prepared for the opportunities that come when you start asking for things.  You will get the grease if you are squeaky enough.  Namaste!


How did it feel to wake up this morning? Did you wake up excited about the start of a new week? Did you wake up feeling anxious and grumpy?

Get control over your Monday! If you woke up feeling anxious and grumpy, there are 2 things you can do to change that.

1. Change what you are doing in your life immediately.  If the thought of going into your job today gives you chest pain, and you continue down that road for long enough, it will consume you.  Do not be afraid of change.  Embrace it.

2. Change your thinking about what you do!

“The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.”
James M. Barrie

If you simply must do what you are doing, but it has been leaving a foul taste in your mouth, you need to change your thinking.  You do have control! Start by changing every negative thought you have about what you do into a positive one.  Stop complaining about where you are, especially if you are not prepared to make a change.  Be thankful for what you have and you will start enjoying it!

There are only 2 choices.  Start your Happy Monday plan today.



Guilt is a gonner.

Do not allow yourself to feel guilt.  You are an amazing person, and no matter what decisions you have made, you need to forgive yourself and move on.  Guilt is a negative emotion that will make it easier for you to repeat unwanted behaviors.  Start telling yourself that you are amazing, and you will soon start believing it.

Safe Saturday

Protect yourself with your mind. Imagine that you have an invisible shield. Now put it on yourself, and zip it up. Get your family to do the same. Now imagine that you also have a large imaginary shield that covers your entire home, and property. Zip it up and lock it down. Now enjoy that “safe” feeling! 🙂

It’s Friday. Are you ready?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.  Are you ready for different results in your life? If so, you will need to change something! Most people fear change, and this fear keeps them in their comfort zone.  Turn that fear into excitement! Take the first step towards realizing your dreams by jumping (not stepping!) out of your comfort zone, and embrace a little change.  You can do it.  You are amazing.