Big News! Be That Girl is Ready!

Finally, one of the Best Books on Self Help is ready for YOU! Be That Girl is sure to help you create change in your life! Buy it NOW!

Be That Girl will help you answer the following questions

How can I become a millionaire?

How can I deal with stress?

How can I build confidence and self esteem?

How to better a realtionship?

Be That Girl will give you tested Success Laws, Tips of Feng Shui and lots of inspirational qoutes to keep you focused, motivated and get you happier!

Read the Best Book on self help, designed specifically for women NOW!

Go Team!

Success Law: Form Teams Everywhere!

You were never meant to be alone in what you do. Life is much more fun and more rewarding when you have someone to share it with, professionally and personally. You will get farther much faster if you have amazing teams in place in all areas of your life.

Seek out people to share your life with who inspire you, and who complement your strengths and weaknesses. You do not have to be good at everything, so find people to partner with who have the qualities that are required.

Having a good partner, good friends, amazing support systems, close family, cohesive, smart work colleagues, as well as a great network of contacts is essential to a successful and happy life.

Think about forming teams in your life…from your family to your work colleagues. Think Big and think Together. Work toward similar goals with your teams and you will start achieving success sooner than you could ever have imagined.

Go Team O’Connor! Go Team On the Rocks! Go Team Tina and Ryan! Go Team Be That Girl!

What teams are you rooting for in your life? Start cheering them on today. Namaste.

Meet my Coach Series, Part 1

I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the people who have influenced me in a positive way in my life.  I will call all of these people coaches, as they have “schooled” me in some way or another, and have been influential in supporting me to where I am today.  I hope you enjoy getting a closer look at my network.

The first person I want to introduce you to is a Powerful Woman who has literally always been there for me.  She has been caring for and supporting me in my life efforts for as long as I can remember, and even longer than that.  She has been, and continues to be a mentor, a friend, and the grandmother of my beautiful daughters.  She is my Mommy, Janet Legere, and I am so proud to introduce her to you!

Janet is an online marketing guru and mentor, and she has used the internet to fulfill her lifestyle dreams for years.  If you are thinking about marketing yourself, or your business online,  you need to hook up with Janet.  Check out her online mentoring site at

It is so hard to call her Janet, when Mom is all I have ever called her!

With Janet’s help, I have successfully set up all of my own websites and learned a tonne about online marketing.  And if I can do it, so can you.  Start using the internet to get your product, or yourself,  out to the world today!

No matter what my issue is, be it a website glitch, a babysitting nightmare, or a friendly ear for listening, my mom has always been there for me.   And I want to take this opportunity to thank her for all she has done for me.

Have an abundant day!


Visualize yourself successful.

Take 5 minutes today to secure your success by visualizing it.  Sit quietly by yourself with your eyes closed.  Take 3 deep, cleansing breaths.  Then think about yourself.

If you know what being successful will look like for you, visualize yourself being there.  If you have an important exam, presentation, competitive event, or business venture in the works, see yourself actually performing in that event, and see the results you want.   Watch from afar as you successfully complete the task.  While you are watching yourself, practice feeling calm, relaxed and confident.  You’ve got this one in the bag.  You do not feel anxiety about the task because you know that you will be successful at it, and you are prepared. Smile at yourself.  You are going to hit this one out of the park.   Know with everything inside of you that you are going to be wildly successful.  Namaste.

Get it.

There are just some people who “have it” in this life.  I am one of those people.  You can be too, if you aren’t already.

“I think, therefore I am.”  Rene Descartes.

Be sure to think of yourself in positive and successful ways.  This will ensure that you become, and stay, that person.  Namaste.

Make to do lists. And do them.

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”
Bruce Lee

Make time in your life by being more efficient.  Make your “to do” lists the night before so that your brain can subconsciously work on getting it all done while you are sleeping. You will sleep better knowing what to expect from your day, and you will wake up feeling ready to take on the world! Your “to do” list should be detailed and include everything that will need to be done for the one day. Schedule your time everyday, and be sure to include work, personal, school and family stuff all on one calendar that you can keep with you at all times.  Use a daily calendar that has time slots on it so that you can see just how much time you have to get things done.   There is only so much time in the day, so make good use of every minute.  Be sure to schedule in some time just for you… you deserve it.

Plan to do things, and then do them.  This is the secret to success.  Namaste.


Be Honest.

Be honest with yourself and everyone else in your life.  Being honest with yourself means to always respect and listen to yourself.  You know deep inside of you what is right for you, and what is not, and also what you really want out of life.  Listen to yourself.  You know what is best for you.

Be honest with others, and always tell the truth.  Be straight up with the people in your life.  Even if you feel like you are going to hurt someone’s feelings, be honest in the most tactful way possible.  You can only control your own feelings.

If you are honest, you will develop an amazing sense of trust in yourself.  Others will respect you and look up to you for being true to yourself and to them.



Read books on things you are passionate about. Read more books on being successful. Read other successful people’s biographies. Read books written by your heroes. Reading is a common trait of highly successful people, so do as they do.

Give recognition where it’s due.

Make sure you tell the people in your life that you appreciate everything they do.  People do not just innately know that you are grateful for what they do, so you need to tell them!  Recognize the people who go above and beyond for you by saying “Thank You”.  Flowers, cards, and wine are great things to send to people, but the most important part is that you are taking the time to say “wow, you do so much around here, and I really notice it, and appreciate it”.  Put a smile on someone’s face today just by acknowledging what they do.  Namaste.