Appreciate the small stuff.

The other night, in the midst of a crazy Calgary spring snowstorm, our power went out for 2 hours. Thankfully, the shutdown happened just as we sat down to eat our dinner. Having no power helped me realize how lucky I am to have the everyday luxuries of running water, a heated home, indoor cooking facilities, and lights that can be easily be turned on and off.
Sometimes, it takes going without something to really appreciate the value of having it. When we are used to having things, we tend to forget how much enjoyment and value we get out of them…until they are gone. Today, I would encourage you to write down 3 things that you are thankful to have in your life, and send out a “thank you” to the Universe for providing it. Happy Saturday!

Don’t chase money.

Look deep inside yourself and figure out what you love to do. Then find ways to do more of what you love. Make career choices based on your passion, and do not worry about the money. If you chase your passion, all the money you need will follow… and you will feel amazing. Often we choose to do things because of the resulting monetary rewards, not because we enjoy the activity. Remember that there is more to life than money, and you will be able to create more of everything you want if you are excited about what you are doing with your time. Joy, and money, can be found in loving what you do.

You have full control, and you can be doing what you love today! Trust the Universe. And trust in your own abilities. You’ve got skills to pay the bills, but it’s your passion that will make you millions. Namaste.

Hang in there.

That moment that you want to give up, and often do give up, is also the moment when things are about to turn around for you. You have got to hang in there. Do not give up. The Universe always provides, but only at the last second. If you give up, you will miss it. Your patience and your strength will be tested. Stay the course. It is all within your reach if you have enough faith to stand strong, and persevere. Namaste.

Make Decisions.

In order to make things happen in your life, you must be able to make decisions. You must take on the responsibility, gather the relevant information, listen to your own intuition, and then make a decision. 
Making a decision holds you responsible for the outcome, which can be scary. Remember that fear feels the same as excitement in your belly, so embrace that feeling, and do not allow it to hold you back. Accept the responsibility and get excited about the potential results.
You can find any information you need to help you make informed choices, but you must be looking for it. Do your research and then compile the results.
Combine the information you have gathered with your own incredible instincts to help you make the right decisions at the right times.
You are presented with opportunities and choices daily, and decisions will need to be made or you will not see progress.   Successful people make decisions consistently, and they learn from each outcome how to make better decisions in the future.
Take control and do not be afraid. Start making life changing decisions today!  Namaste.

Flip a switch.

Your mind is a powerful computer. When you give your mind the right input, it will, in turn, produce the right output. On the flip side, when you put garbage into your mind, you will get garbage out. Just what you would expect from a computer.
For most of my life, I had been telling myself, and anyone else who cared to listen, that I could never write a book. I really, honestly believed that I couldn’t. About a year and a half ago, I was inspired by a powerful book to look at my life a little differently.  Actually, it made me look at myself a little differently.
I remember distinctly the day that I flipped a switch in my mind. It started with a simple question to myself. “Could I write a book?”
The day that I allowed myself to believe that it was possible, the floodgates of my mind opened up and a stir of excitement started to grow in my belly.
Today, I hold my book in my hands with great joy, and I love to inspire others with it. I have proven that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. What will I think of next? A plan to take over the world?
You are also capable of anything, but you must first believe it is possible. Once you know that you can, you can! That is the secret.
So, flip a switch in your mind today and start getting more of everything out of your life. Namaste!


Be Prepared for Monday.

What causes stress? Anxieties about time management. How will you get it all done? Alleviate stress and be more prepared, calm and excited about your week by doing a few simple things each day. Here are some simple tips to help you get more efficient, and feel more prepared, quick.

  • If you have not done so already, you need to keep an agenda or binder that accurately shows your time. I was taught by one of my coaches to use an agenda with one day on each page, and to use my own hand to write in it (versus typing everything into a computer). Writing with your own hand is very powerful. You can print daily calendar sheets from Outlook and keep them in a binder if you are anxious to get started right now.
  • Write down everything that you need to do each day in the appropriate time slots, and then include the stuff you want to do (there is a difference). Need: get groceries. Want: go to yoga class. Although I could see myself arguing for need on the yoga class…
  • Use the notes section to write down all of the projects that you are working on, or tasks that need completing. Things like “book dentist appt” or “finish writing article for yoga journal” or “look up easy easter crafts to keep my kids busy, and me sane, while they are on Easter break”.
  • Cross off tasks as you complete them, or put check marks beside them. Do what feels right for you. If you do not complete a task on the day you had it written on, just keep moving it forward to future days. Eventually you will do it. When things come up suddenly, you will need to assess how to prioritize it based on everything else you have going on. Only make changes to your existing schedule if what comes up is an absolute emergency, or is something of extreme importance to you. You may be able to tackle it the next day, so do your best to stay focused on your original plan. But be sure to write everything down as it comes up so you never forget a thing.
  • Look at your week and see where the tasks you need to complete might best fit in. If you drop your kids off right by a registry office, perhaps you can squeeze in your vehicle registration renewal when you drop them off, then get groceries, pick up your mail, and get the coffee that you earned. Work smart, not hard. There is always time to do what you need to do, but you need to plan for it.
  •  Every day, at the end of the day, review your day, and then look at the next day. Create a plan in your mind of what you would like to get done based on the time you have, and then write that down. Seeing your next day all laid out for you can really ease the anxieties of a busy lifestyle. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with everything you need to do, but when you see it all written down, you will know that it is achievable.
  • On Sundays, review your week, and plan everything accordingly. You will sleep much better on Sunday night knowing that you have a plan that is scheduled to suit your needs.

Allow for some flexibility in your schedule, but if you want to take on the world, you have got to be accountable to yourself and your schedule. Plan it, then do it! You have full control over your time, and your stress.

Happy Monday!

Round out your life.

It is a commonly held belief in Feng Shui that rounded, smooth things give off gentle, more positive energies while squared, pointy edged items give off a harder, more negative energy. All I know for sure is that I love the energizing feeling of being seated around a round table with my family for a good old Chinese Food dinner… and I do not like the scars that I have on my shins from the pointy edges of my children’s beds.

So “go round” whenever possible, and with everything in your life. Namaste.

When in doubt…

When in doubt, write it out!
Having a journal that you keep on you at all times is a powerful way to talk to yourself and to the Universe. If you are questioning things, you have a decision to make, or when you are experiencing doubt, simply write down how you feel about the situation, without over-analyzing. After you write down your feelings, sleep on it. Assess your feelings again in the morning. This process can really activate the Universe, and you! Namaste.


Hold on tight.

Some songs just seem to give you what you need when you need it.

Electric Light Orchestra was singing right to me the other day…

Hold on tight to your dream
When you see your ship go sailing
When you feel your heart is breaking
Hold tight to your dream

And now I cannot get it out of my head. It is important to create a dream in your head. Visualize that dream and then never, ever let go of it. Things may not always go the way that you thought they would, but you will still end up with the results you want…if you can “hold on tight to your dream!”

See where you want to go and then have a little faith in the process. It matters not how you get there, only that you end up getting there. So enjoy the adventure, and the unknowns, that life gives you. The unknown will only be an unknown for a little longer. Clever advice from my mom, Janet Legere.

Dream big and then never let that dream fade or be taken from you. You are in control, even when you tell yourself you’re not.

It’s TGIWWW (Wicked Women’s Wednesday) tomorrow…and I am looking forward to my standing Wednesday lunch with my mom and my sister. We are coming into our fourth year of choosing to spend Wednesday afternoons together! And even after all these years, the time always goes too quickly on Wednesdays.

Thanks for choosing to read my inspirations. You ROCK!


We all deserve to have at least 1 day of every year where we feel like we are the most important person. That day is normally your birthday. The phone rings for you more often that day and you may be able to take liberties like longer lunches or sleeping in, and feel good about it. Today is your reminder that age is a state of mind.

I am constantly preaching about looking at results and using those as a basis for judgement and action. When I look at people who practice yoga, I see the kind of results I want. They may have grey hair, but their bodies are tighter and more flexible than most people in their 20’s! I am looking forward to feeling like a 25  year old until I am 105, and I want to have the body to back those feelings up.

Do what you can to preserve the wellness of your body so that you can continue to do all of the things that you feel like you should be able to do, for as long as you want to do them. And don’t let a number like your age restrict you. Remember, you’re only as old as you feel…how old is that today? Me, I’m 25 and holding. Namaste.