Together we are strong.

Last week, my oldest daughter Trinity came home from school with an interesting story.  It was cold outside, around -5 degrees celcius (23 degrees farenheit) and the fire alarm went off.  This was not a planned fired drill, so  everyone in the school was evacuated, from grade 1 to grade 8!

No one had jackets on, and some kids didn’t even have their shoes on! Trinity told me that they all had to share socks with a boy in their class who had no shoes on when the fire alarm went off.  Trinity is in grade 2, and she told me that lots of kids in her class were crying and were really scared.

So, what did this group do to survive and stay calm and warm? They huddled.  The grade 1’s class was the first to gather in the center, and then the grade 2’s surrounded them.  The grade 8’s were on the outside of the huddle, giving their strength and experience to the group.  Just the thought of this reminds me of how penguins survive the winter!

Imagining this group of students huddling together warmed my heart, and reminded me that together we can overcome anything.

As it turned out, the fire alarm was pulled by a grade 1 boy who will forever be remembered for it.  And Trinity was excited because she got to see the firemen (that’s my girl!), and her classmate got to give one of the fireman a high five.  There’s always a bright side if you keep things in perspective.  Namaste.

Have Goals.

On Sunday, our oldest 2 daughters had music recitals for piano and violin.  In the morning, when I reminded Kayley (who is almost 6) about her piano recital, she said “Yeah! I’ve been waiting for this day my whole life!”

Ah, perspective.  No matter how old you are, you need to set goals.  And you need to get excited about achieving those goals.  Always strive to reach your goals, no matter what those goals are.  Remember, your goals are personal.  Stay excited about your life, and your dreams.  And when you reach your goals, reward yourself and then set bigger ones.  Conquer the world one small goal at a time.  Namaste.

Know when to hold them.

Grab on to a little inspiration from Kenny Rogers…

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run

In life, there will always be opportunities, and situations, that arise.  You have got to assess things intelligently as they come up.  Emotions will get in the way of logic, and you need to be able to trust your gut, and the Universe, to know what to do next.  So, how will you know what to do in a given situation, or what to do when an opportunity is presented? First, seek out as much information as you possibly can.  If the information you need comes to you easily, then you are likely on the right path.  Use the information to help you make a good decision.  Ask others with the right experience, and learn as much as you can.  If you are taking actions, and having trouble getting ahead with an opportunity, don’t fight it.  There will be times when no matter what you do, doors keep getting slammed in your face.  This is the Universe’s way of telling you to move on.  Try something different.  For whatever reason, it is not meant to be.  You have got to let go of the emotional attachment that you have with the opportunity, or situation, and give something else a go.  When it is right, things will seem too easy and things will happen smoothly.  You will feel calm and happy and peaceful.  Hold onto those opportunities.  And run, don’t walk, away from situations that you know are not healthy, or that appear to be the wrong path for you.

Hindsight is always 20/20.  Don’t look back and say “I should have known sooner”.  Listen to yourself, look for signs from the Universe, use your intuition and you will be much more confident in your decisions.  Namaste.

Success Law: Get out of your Comfort Zone

Last night I attended my first “Hot” Yoga Class at a new studio. I have been wanting to try it for a long time, but it was not offered at the studio that I usually go to. And I was comfortable at the studio I went to all the time!

Deciding to try out a new studio last night, I could feel my own apprehension. “What will the studio be like”, “will I find it easily”, “who will the instructor be”, “how will it be different”?!

I was nervously excited about this new venture! As it turned out, I found the studio very easily, parking was a breeze, and there were only 4 people in my class! And the heat in that room made me sweat, and relax immediately!

Driving home afterwards in my sweat soaked clothes, I felt powerful and calm and excited. Having pushed myself out of my comfort zone to try something new, I gained access to a cool new yoga studio that I can see fast becoming my favorite.

Get out of your comfort zone and try something new today. Opportunities are waiting for you. Namaste.

Don’t Back Down!

Tom Petty Sang it Best…

“Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin me around
but I’ll stand my ground
…and I won’t back down”

This is your life, and you have control over it. When things stand in your way, don’t back down! Stand your ground! Keep trying, keep doing, keep moving! There is always a way around every obstacle… around it, through it, over it, or taking a detour away from it. Don’t get discouraged. Things may not always go the way you thought they would, but if you keep focused on the end goal, you’ll get there no matter what route you take. Namaste.


Not too much. Not too little. Start getting things “just right” in your life by balancing, and prioritizing.

Been spending a lot of time at work? No worry’s. Just make sure you take some extra time to relax, have fun, and spend time with your family and friends. Been having too much fun lately? That’s ok too, but you still have to make up the time that you missed from the other things that require effort in your life. You can’t just slack off or you will not get the results you want in your life. Ensure that you have a healthy balance, and you will never feel ripped off when you have to put extra effort into other things in your life temporarily. Namaste.

Take Action!

Take Action.

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
Tony Robbins

Thoughts inspire action and action produces results. If you have done my Planet Do-it Seminar, then you have taken some action in your life already, so congratulations! The next step is to go after those goals with a passion that no one can interfere with. Take more action toward those goals, starting today. You can make it happen.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of attending my Planet Do-it Seminar, I have just released a Video Version of this seminar so that you can attend my workshop at your convenience! Sign up to see my new Video NOW! If you have already attended my seminar, and you enjoyed it, now you can share it with your loved ones and friends.

Don’t Worry Be Happy

We all know the popular song, Don’t Worry Be Happy.  When my own mother sang this song at a recent karaoke party, it took the song to a whole new level of positive! The essence of this song is the key to ending your anxieties, and finding your balance of happiness. Stop worrying over things you cannot control.  Control the things you can to the best of your abilities.  And then decide to be happy.  Have a joyous Saturday Night everyone.  Namaste.

It’s your choice.

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”
Wayne Dyer
Sometimes things don’t go the way you planned.  Don’t feel sorry for yourself.  And don’t expect others to feel sorry for you either.  Instead, choose to grab life by the horns and get back on the saddle for another ride! Take back the control that you almost gave away, and deal with the situation in the most positive way possible…take action.  Accept the reality of the situation, and figure out what to do next.  Start with changing your thinking…life goes on and it is really not that bad.  Have faith that there is a rainbow around the next corner and the gold is there waiting for you if you can just choose to get there.  Namaste.