Something to consider.

Something to consider. Is what you have right now really what you want?
If you answered yes, then get excited and be happy and enjoy every moment. Strive every day to maintain, and get more, of what you have. You must nurture what you have to be able to keep it.
If you answered no, then get excited and be happy because you have the power to change it! Stop embracing the comfortable, and start embracing change. You can have what you want, but you need to do something different. Remember that thinking about doing it is way more painful than actually doing it. So just do it!
Have a wonderful week!

Be Proud.

On Friday, I was invited for an interview at Calgary’s Independent Radio Station, CJSW (90.9 fm). I feel blessed to have met and chatted with Kevin Brooks and Grant Burns on their show ‘Road Pops’.
The station is located inside the University of Calgary. Strolling through the campus, I became aware of how rapidly time had passed for me. Walking past the old smoking lounge, the ‘Black Lung’ immediately brought back vivid images of chain smoking, coffee drinking and late night studying.
I suddenly realized how far I had come since my University days. A degree in Psychology, quitting smoking, a wedding, 3 children, 2 liquor stores,  4 years of Wednesdays with my mom and my sister, and the release of a sensational new book. I realized that I should feel proud of myself for my achievements to date. So I gave myself a good old “Thatta Girl Tina”!
I would encourage you to be proud of yourself for where you are today…right now. Don’t wait until some future date when you feel that you will have achieved even more. Tell yourself now how proud you are! Do not compare yourself to others; that is not what matters. What matters is what you have done with, and for, yourself to date. You are amazing, and you should tell yourself that more often! Talking positively to yourself will motivate and encourage you to go farther.
You are your own worst critic, and unless you stop and say “Great Job!” to yourself, your achievements may never be good enough for you. It is okay to want more and strive for better, but you need to embrace the present and look at what you have accomplished already.  Be proud of you. You deserve it.

Make Decisions.

In order to make things happen in your life, you must be able to make decisions. You must take on the responsibility, gather the relevant information, listen to your own intuition, and then make a decision. 
Making a decision holds you responsible for the outcome, which can be scary. Remember that fear feels the same as excitement in your belly, so embrace that feeling, and do not allow it to hold you back. Accept the responsibility and get excited about the potential results.
You can find any information you need to help you make informed choices, but you must be looking for it. Do your research and then compile the results.
Combine the information you have gathered with your own incredible instincts to help you make the right decisions at the right times.
You are presented with opportunities and choices daily, and decisions will need to be made or you will not see progress.   Successful people make decisions consistently, and they learn from each outcome how to make better decisions in the future.
Take control and do not be afraid. Start making life changing decisions today!  Namaste.

Round out your life.

It is a commonly held belief in Feng Shui that rounded, smooth things give off gentle, more positive energies while squared, pointy edged items give off a harder, more negative energy. All I know for sure is that I love the energizing feeling of being seated around a round table with my family for a good old Chinese Food dinner… and I do not like the scars that I have on my shins from the pointy edges of my children’s beds.

So “go round” whenever possible, and with everything in your life. Namaste.

Get Efficient.

Do what you are good at, and what you enjoy, and ask for help with all the other stuff. Experience true efficiency.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kelly Domonceaux! She won my door prize draw for a Complimentary Hair Cut and 3 bottles of eufora organic hair care products. Now this is not just any haircut.  It is compliments of  my own personal hairdresser, Marissa Sullivan, at Suburbian Hair. Located in Hanson Ranch in NW Calgary, Marissa offers boutique styling and specializes in personalized service. For those of you who are not as lucky as Kelly, feel free to call Marissa at 403-731-1233 to make an appointment.

I always have FREE stuff to give away at my signings, so make sure you come out and see me.

Happy Hump Day!

Make Monday Fun!

A thought on positive thinking about work.

The Seven Dwarfs always seemed happy (except for Grumpy, of course), so what was their secret? Was it because they were mining diamonds all day? Perhaps. But I think it was because they chose to whistle while they worked!

So today, no matter what you do with your time, “whistle while you work”. And if you can’t whistle, add some music to your day somehow.

Enjoy your Monday!

Hold on tight.

Some songs just seem to give you what you need when you need it.

Electric Light Orchestra was singing right to me the other day…

Hold on tight to your dream
When you see your ship go sailing
When you feel your heart is breaking
Hold tight to your dream

And now I cannot get it out of my head. It is important to create a dream in your head. Visualize that dream and then never, ever let go of it. Things may not always go the way that you thought they would, but you will still end up with the results you want…if you can “hold on tight to your dream!”

See where you want to go and then have a little faith in the process. It matters not how you get there, only that you end up getting there. So enjoy the adventure, and the unknowns, that life gives you. The unknown will only be an unknown for a little longer. Clever advice from my mom, Janet Legere.

Dream big and then never let that dream fade or be taken from you. You are in control, even when you tell yourself you’re not.

It’s TGIWWW (Wicked Women’s Wednesday) tomorrow…and I am looking forward to my standing Wednesday lunch with my mom and my sister. We are coming into our fourth year of choosing to spend Wednesday afternoons together! And even after all these years, the time always goes too quickly on Wednesdays.

Thanks for choosing to read my inspirations. You ROCK!


We all deserve to have at least 1 day of every year where we feel like we are the most important person. That day is normally your birthday. The phone rings for you more often that day and you may be able to take liberties like longer lunches or sleeping in, and feel good about it. Today is your reminder that age is a state of mind.

I am constantly preaching about looking at results and using those as a basis for judgement and action. When I look at people who practice yoga, I see the kind of results I want. They may have grey hair, but their bodies are tighter and more flexible than most people in their 20’s! I am looking forward to feeling like a 25  year old until I am 105, and I want to have the body to back those feelings up.

Do what you can to preserve the wellness of your body so that you can continue to do all of the things that you feel like you should be able to do, for as long as you want to do them. And don’t let a number like your age restrict you. Remember, you’re only as old as you feel…how old is that today? Me, I’m 25 and holding. Namaste.

Get what you want…or at least what you need.

I want to inspire you today with two of my favorite music quotes.

Oh, you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.”

-Rolling Stones

Followed by….

“All you need is love, love. Love is all you need’


Take some time today to consider what you have in your life right now. Are you constantly chasing what you want when in actuality you already have everything you need? Embrace the love that exists all around you and allow yourself to feel supported and content. Namaste.

Just add Fun.

The Best Books on Self Help will teach you how to get happy.  One way to do this quickly is to add fun!

I was volunteering at my daughters school the other day and in gym class the kids were doing skipping. I was immediately taken back to the asphalt of my elementary school and I vividly remembered skipping my lunch hours and recesses away. The challenges of learning to skip double dutch and doing double- and triple- unders while singing silly rhyming songs had me reminiscing and giggling to myself. And I found myself wanting more of it!

As we age, the pressures of work and family and home life leave little time for fun. But fun is what keeps us going. Fun is what motivates us to hop out of bed in the morning. Creating fun in our lives inspires us, makes us smile, and helps us learn in a positive way. Fun is what it’s all about.

Think back to your days as a child and think about an activity that you really enjoyed, like skipping, softball, hockey or dancing. Remember the fun you had. And start creating some of that fun energy in your life right now!

My birthday is coming soon, and this year I am asking for 2 long skipping ropes and a couple of friends willing to take turns skipping double dutch. I am already imagining the conversations that we can have, and the laughter that will ensue from an afternoon of skipping on a chilly spring day.

Add some fun to your life today. Namaste.