Just add Fun.

The Best Books on Self Help will teach you how to get happy.  One way to do this quickly is to add fun!

I was volunteering at my daughters school the other day and in gym class the kids were doing skipping. I was immediately taken back to the asphalt of my elementary school and I vividly remembered skipping my lunch hours and recesses away. The challenges of learning to skip double dutch and doing double- and triple- unders while singing silly rhyming songs had me reminiscing and giggling to myself. And I found myself wanting more of it!

As we age, the pressures of work and family and home life leave little time for fun. But fun is what keeps us going. Fun is what motivates us to hop out of bed in the morning. Creating fun in our lives inspires us, makes us smile, and helps us learn in a positive way. Fun is what it’s all about.

Think back to your days as a child and think about an activity that you really enjoyed, like skipping, softball, hockey or dancing. Remember the fun you had. And start creating some of that fun energy in your life right now!

My birthday is coming soon, and this year I am asking for 2 long skipping ropes and a couple of friends willing to take turns skipping double dutch. I am already imagining the conversations that we can have, and the laughter that will ensue from an afternoon of skipping on a chilly spring day.

Add some fun to your life today. Namaste.

Success Law: Be Careful What you Change.

The Best Books on Self Help, Be That Books, encourage you to use their Success Laws.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Do not waste your time making changes to things that are working. Just assess everything, decide what is working and what isn’t, and leave well enough alone the things that do not need your intervention. Simplify!

How can I become a millionaire? Get going!

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”

-Joseph P. Kennedy, Father of President John F. Kennedy

When things get tough in your life, you need to get going and start creating change. You must be strong to conquer everything life is going to throw at you, and you need to take each challenge on as an opportunity to create better things in your life.  Your faith in the Universe may dwindle in tough times, and you may want to give up all your efforts.  Take the high road instead and start increasing your efforts.  Take the first steps toward making things better, and reset your path in your own mind.  Do not just keep doing things that are not working.


You are powerful, strong and amazing. You have the power to create everything you could every want in your life.  So when the going gets tough, dig deep down inside and get the strength to amp up your efforts. Don’t let a little bump in the road get your down… regain control and fuel your fire with new and different efforts.  Namaste!

Have you read “Be That Girl” yet? It is one of the best books on self help, designed to help you get everything you could want out of life, whatever that is for you. Get your copy online now!

Rock Inspired Inspiration

You never know when inspiration is going to hit you.  The other day on my drive home from Edmonton, I was inspired by a Trooper song.  These were the lyrics that spoke to me…

“If you don’t like what you got, why don’t you change it?
If your world is all screwed up , rearrange it”

While this particular inspiration proves that I am a rocker at heart,  you don’t have to be a rocker, or even like rock music, to see the inspiration in it.

If you are not happy with the results you are seeing in your life, you need to know that you have the power to change it.  Grab onto that feeling of control, and make a change in your life, even if it is a small one.

I also like the reference to rearranging things in your life.  I love to organize! Rearranging a room in your home can have a tremendous impact on your life.  So make a concrete change to something in your home that has been bugging you.  Doing this will not only change how you feel about your surroundings;  it will also change how you feel inside.

Have an incredible Monday!

The Power of the Mind.

I recently read a book to my 3 girls called “Little Miss Giggles”, part of the Little Miss Collection.

In this story, Little Miss Giggles wakes up one day and she has lost her giggle!

Mr. Happy, who of course cannot stand to see anyone not happy, figures out a way to help her get her giggle back.  He gives her an empty box that says something like “Contains 1 Giggle”.  She opens it up and says “There is nothing in here!” And he says, “of course there is”…

and then she starts giggling!

This story just reminded me of how powerful that computer is that you have inside of your head.  You can truly create everything you want and need with your mind.  You need to know how powerful your mind is, and you need to start using it to benefit you everyday.  Let’s start a giggle revolution by making some boxes of giggles, and sharing them with others around us.  Soon, we will will all be laughing our way through every day.  What could be more perfect? Namaste.

Be Free.

On her 8th Birthday, my daughter Trinity wore a shirt with the following small, inspiring quote on it:

Free to Love, Dream and Be ME!

Give yourself the freedom to love, dream and be YOU everyday.

Just Be Free.  Namaste.

How can I build confidence? It’s not personal.

This is your reminder to not take things personally when other people are having problems.  Sometimes people will attack you, or try to blame you for things that are happening in their lives.  As long as you are happy with the person that you are, do not allow others to steal your power away or bring you down.

It is much easier to blame others when you have problems than to face the fact that you may have your own issues that need to be dealt with.  Remember that the next time someone tries to put the responsibility on you for their behavior.

You are in full control of everything you do, and so is everyone else.  Take responsibility for your portion.  Face up to things that you have, or had, control over.  And do not allow others to project their fears or inadequacies onto you.

If you are not happy with things in your life, or with yourself, make the necessary changes and move on.  The past is not a hitching post… it is a jumping off point.

You have everything you need to succeed and be happy right now.  It is your life and you are in control.  Take the reins and ride off into the sunset starting today! Namaste.

Good Bathroom Graffiti

Now, I am not one to condone writing on the walls in bathrooms.  That is not what this is about.  We have all been in a stall where someone has defaced the walls with whatever they have on their person; pens, markers, pencils or just something sharp they can use to scratch it in.  Often, the things written are either cruel or mean,  or it is someone professing their love for someone else. (T.O. + R.O. 4-Ever).  I hate to generalize on this, but I would say that most of the graffiti is done by younger adults.

Today, I was inspired by some high quality graffiti in my stall.  It read:

Love yourself for who you are

I absolutely adored this wall message and it made me think fondly of the new generation of young adults.  Yeah, they’re writing on the walls, but at least they are writing about truly important things!

And it’s true.  You need to love yourself for who you are.  When you love yourself, you will start treating yourself better.  You will find it easier to provide your body with healthy things and avoid things that are not good for you.  When you love yourself, you will talk nicely to yourself and it will be easier for you to succeed at whatever you want.

So embrace the inspiration to love yourself! Small, inspiring quotes can be everywhere…. even in your bathroom stall.  Be ready! Namaste.

Take some time.

My daily inspiration this morning came from my tea cup, which read “take some time”.  I have included a picture of it here! For me, taking some time means giving myself some time, even if it is 5 minutes.  I plan to do just that today.  I will do yoga by the pool, even if it is just for 5 minutes.  You cannot make more time, but you can take more time.  Use your time wisely, and add value to your day and to yourself by taking some for you.  Enjoying 5 minutes sitting with your eyes closed and focusing on your breathing can reconnect you with the Universe and with yourself and you will be amazed how great you will feel after just 5 minutes.  Set a timer if you need to, but take that time for you today.  Namaste.

Inspiration is Everywhere!

This morning when I went to make coffee, I noticed a little saying on the tray where the coffee was stored.  It said “Enjoy your life”.  Funny, I have made coffee everyday for 5 days, and yet today is the first day that I actually noticed this little message.  I guess I needed a little inspiration today.

My 3 beautiful children were up at 5:30 this morning (and we are on vacation!), and the sun had not even peaked up out of the ocean.  Good thing I went to bed early last night.  But really Tina, come on.   You are on vacation, you have 3 lovely, healthy girls, and you got to watch the sun rise over the ocean blue this morning.  Enjoy your life! Because it is truly amazing, and everyone needs a little reminder of that sometimes.

Inspiration is everywhere in your life, but you have to be looking for it and you need to be perceptive enough to see it and understand it! Enjoy every moment of every day, no matter what gets thrown at you.  Smile and breathe.  Relax and don’t worry.  Keep your eyes open… the Universe is waiting to inspire you!