I am required to volunteer once a month at my daughters preschool, which I love. If I cannot do my scheduled shift, it is my responsibility to find someone to switch with me. Recently, I needed to swap a shift in February. I have a class list at home, but I was pressed for time and wanted to take some action right away. There is a communication book that the parents write in if they need to communicate with the teachers, so I thought I would just write it in there and hope that one of the moms would be able to cover it off, and that they would chance to look at the book (most of us only ever look at it if need to write something in it, never otherwise).
A few days later, one of the moms came up to me and said, “Hey. I was wondering if you would be able to swap volunteer days with me…I am not able to make it on my scheduled day”.
She had not even seen the note in the book, and she did not know that I was looking for someone to swap with also. Ha ha! Thank you Universe!
We ended up swapping out days, and both of us walked away happy and knowing that a piece of our lives had just been handled. Oh yeah.
And all I had to do was write it down. I put it out there to the Universe, and then just went with the flow.
Start questioning the cooincidences that happen in your life, and try to track what you did to make that happen. When things work, keep doing them. You are in control. Namaste.