4 Hugs a Day…

“4 Hugs a Day, that’s the minimum.  4 Hugs a Day, not the maximum!”

You need 4 hugs a day just to survive, but don’t stop there! The more the better! Human touch is essential to our well being, so start hugging more! Once you start doing this more, you will notice how a simple hug can energize you and make you feel better.  And the longer the hug, the better.   Improve your day with a hug (or 4!).  Namaste!

Soulful Sunday

Be thankful today for everything you have in your life. Tell someone in your life how much you appreciate them. Look straight up and tell the Universe that you appreciate everything. Smile at someone who isn’t smiling, and make them smile! Namaste!

Thoughtful Thursday

“What other people think about you is none of your business.”
The only opinion you need to be concerned with is your own! If you have a great opinion of yourself, you will project that to the world. So go ahead and love the person you are, and start making change happen in your life!

Dreamy Thursday

You’ve got to have a dream, and you’ve got to dream BIG!

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”
Dr. Seuss


It’s Saturday.  Take time to visit a bookstore today and use your intuition to buy, or just research, some new books.  Just walk around the store and look at things with your perceptive eyes.  Pick up books and look through them.  There is information in those books that  you need to succeed, and subconsciously you already know where that information is.   Allow yourself to find that information by using your gut.  I cannot wait to hear what answers are revealed to you! Send me your comments after you complete this exercise! 🙂