Practice Win-Win when dealing with your kids.

010613_1816_PracticeWin2.jpgPractice Win-Win when dealing with your kids.

Moms are always telling their children what to do and how to do it. Mothers know best! In a perfect world, our children would just listen intently to every word of wisdom that we give them, and they would follow every direction we gave them. If they listened to us, we could prevent their heartaches and headaches.

We tell our children what to do, and what not to do, because we, as adults have had more experiences, and we have learned what happens when we do, or do not do, certain things. We, as adults, understand what consequences are. Yet we would like to shelter our own children from experiencing consequences. Why should they have to go through what we went through? We can prevent it! We can shelter them, shield them and protect them by telling them what they should do.

As much as we would like to keep our children in a bubble of perfectness, we as Mom’s need to start thinking about helping our children progress and learn independence through other means.

Our job as parents is to help our children learn to be independent of us…how to thrive on their own (not really what we moms had in mind… won’t they always need us?). By focusing on making their choices for them (telling them what to do), we end up protecting them. This soothes our motherly souls, but can cause tension between parents and children and is not a great long term solution.

Children need to learn the value of a consequence. “If I do this, then this will happen”. Instead of focusing on telling your kids what to do, focus on helping them learn about results.

Let’s look at an example. It is a freezing cold day, and you need to get your 5 year old to kindergarten on time, and you are already running a bit behind schedule already. Your 5 year old is amazing, sweet, and stubborn, and refuses to put their jacket on. You spend 5 minutes explaining to your child how cold it is outside and that they will surely freeze to death if they do not put their jacket on. Your child spends that 5 minutes screaming “no” to you. In the end, you wrestle your child into that jacket and there are a lot of tears and the stress level is high. But you have won! Your sweet angel has that jacket on, and you know that they are protected and warm. Your child is sobbing and upset that you would not listen to them! But you know what is best for them…your child needs to listen to you.

Let’s look at another way of handling this. Instead of arguing with your child, allow them to experience a consequence. You have told your child once calmly that it is very cold outside and that they need to put their jacket on (be sure you make eye contact with them, get down to their level to ensure that they really hear you…their brains process things quickly and they may have a hard time focusing). When they refuse to put their jacket on, simply say “okay, that is your decision not to put your jacket on”. Then proceed to leave as usual. It won’t take long until they complain about how cold they are. In this situation, you will have brought their jacket with you, and when they complain about the cold, you will put it on them, and say something like “thank goodness for nice, warm jackets! Next time, let’s try putting your jacket on before you get too cold.”

In the second example, both Mom and child are less frustrated. Of course, Mom is still worried about her child, but she would never allow her child to be in a situation that was unsafe. Mom knew that this would be a good learning experience for her child. The child now knows that if they go outside without a jacket, they will be very cold, therefore they need to put their jacket on before.

Your child may also learn over time that what you are telling them is actually true. (“My mom did say that it was going to be freezing cold without my jacket, and it was. Perhaps I should listen to my mom next time!”). No one wants to be told what to do. It can be hard to rationalize with a 2 year old (or a 5 year old, or a 13 year old, or a 40 year old!)

Everyone learns more deeply when they have an opportunity to experience it themselves.

Reduce your own stress, and theirs, by breaking down the walls of protection. Let them make choices, and allow them to deal with the consequences of those choices and actions, and you will immediately create a more positive and respectful relationship.

You are an amazing Mom! Be sure to reward yourself today… Buy yourself some flowers, or give yourself 20 minutes of free time for a bath, shower, or to read a good book. You deserve to feel like a queen for 20 minutes every day. Go GIRL!
Tina O’Connor, BsC Psych.
President & CEO

How Can I Deal with Stress? Do Some Spring Cleaning.

Well, it’s Spring. Time for Spring Cleaning. We all think about cleaning out our closets and clearing the clutter in our homes when it’s Spring. But what about the vessel that houses our soul? It’s time to Spring Clean your body! No matter who you are, where you live, or how you live, your body is exposed to toxins everyday.

Take some time this week to assist your body with eliminating some of the “clutter” that it has collected through the winter, and do a little detoxification program. Below are some things you can easily do for 1 to 2 weeks to help cleanse your body in time for spring. All of these things will also help you create that perfect swimsuit body just in time for summer! Commit to at least 1 week of at least 1 item listed below. If you want to go longer, by all means do! The longer the healthier!

  • Drink 8 Glasses of water or herbal tea per day. Actually keep a tally. This is one of the most effective ways to give your body a boost!
  • Change your diet. Focus on eating only fiber rich foods. Great sources of fiber include oatmeal, flax (super grain!), apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, blueberries, whole wheat, whole whole grains (brown rice), nuts, celery, carrots, broccoli, green, leafy vegetables (lettuce, kale), grapes, cucumbers, tomatoes, lentils. OK, so more fruits and vegetables and whole grains! Eat smaller portions of meat and dairy.
  • Omit sugar from your diet. (It’s only 1 week!)
  • Omit Alcohol. (I know, I know. Food tastes better with wine! It’s just a week…give your liver a break!)
  • Quit smoking. OK, this one needs to go on for the rest of your life, but start with committing to a week. Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking can do the trick!
  • Eliminate deep fried foods completely.
  • Try an herbal detox program that can be purchased from your local health food store. These kits assist with the elimination and cleaning of the most important home you have… your body! Ask the staff to recommend one based on the results you want.
  • Do 20 minutes of yoga everyday. Simple yoga poses effectively help to eliminate toxins and keep you calm, focused and flexible. Be sure to drink lots of water afterwards.
  • Get a massage! Massages also help to release toxins from their long term storage bins. Again, drink tonnes of water to help eliminate them so they are not reabsorbed. Perhaps a massage swap with someone close to you? Ooooh, detoxing can be amusing also!

Please note that you may experience flu like symptoms, like headaches and a decrease in energy for the first few days of any “detox” program. This is a result of a large amount of toxins being released into your body. Be sure to eat tonnes of fiber and drink lots of water to  help eliminate those toxins and avoid them being reabsorbed back into the body. I was recently looking for a fiber rich cereal when I noticed one called ‘Holy Crap‘. I had seen it on Dragon’s Den and was excited to see it on the shelves of my grocery store! I bought it and it tastes fantastic. Does it live up to it’s name? I am on day 1, so I’ll let you know! Enjoy your week or 2 of spring cleaning. Namaste.


Look at your life, and what you have created around you. Somewhere in your life there is a place that has the ability to heal you, and propel you. This place was designed by you, for you. No matter what your circumstance is right now, that space is there waiting for you. It is right there for the taking, but its power may be invisible to you. Your job is to find that place now, and use it.

For me, the front porch of our home has turned into my sanctuary. When I sit there, I feel totally at peace with myself, and with the Universe. I feel calm and my mind is clear. After 5 or 10 minutes in this space, I always feel rejuvenated and refreshed. If I am feeling emotional, this space allows me to feel those feelings intensely, while encouraging me to let go of those feelings fairly quickly. In this space, I can dream easily of where I want to be because my mind is quiet and free. Taking 5 or 10 minutes each day to focus on your dreams in the most important time you can give yourself, and it will create the largest results. Focusing on the result is the key. The “getting there” will happen if you focus on the goal.

Your goal is to find your sweet spot. Wherever that spot is for you. You will know it is right by how you feel when you are there…calm and free. Ask the Universe out loud to help you find your sweet spot, and you will be amazed at what is revealed. The spot is there…it is waiting for you. Change your life by finding it and then physically force yourself there as often as you can. Clear your mind of the daily grind and open up your soul to your dreams. Help yourself dream more easily and start creating more quickly. You will also rapidly increase your health just by taking 5 minutes each day to breath and let the thoughts of the day go. A game of hide-and-seek has begun. Report back to me at!

Let Go.

Throughout our lives, we take things on because we think that these things will fulfill us. We may end up spending our time doing things we don’t really want to do because we feel obliged. We may be hanging onto certain objects because we feel obliged, or emotional about them. I would encourage you today to think about how you fill your time, and how you fill the spaces you live in. Choose to let go of something today that is just no longer fitting in your life, whether it is a thing, or an activity. Releasing yourself from the emotional ties that you have to certain things in your life is an incredibly freeing experience, and one that will open you up to the possibility that less is always more. Give yourself more by letting go. Freedom is yours for the taking.

Ruby Thursday!

This morning I awoke to a familiar song, “Ruby Tuesday” by the Rolling Stones. Here is the small, inspiring quote that caught me this morning.

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind…

You have got to be able to see where you want to go, otherwise you will feel like you have no direction. Lack of direction results in a lack of motivation, which will keep you exactly where you are right now. If you see your dreams and focus on them all the time, no matter how huge they are, you will be motivated to take action. Take baby steps every day towards your dreams and you will get you there.

Have a beautiful day.

You get to decide.

4 years ago, I felt like the rug of my life had been pulled out. To avoid a complete mental breakdown, my wonderful mother suggested that I get a babysitter and go out for lunch with her. I agreed, found a sitter, and away we went. I had the most awesome afternoon, and I felt so much better. The following week, we met for lunch again, and my sister Brenda joined us. During that lunch, we asked ourselves if we could make this sort of thing work every Wednesday. Could we really pull off lunch together every week?
I am happy to report that 4 years of Wednesday lunches later, we have made it work almost every Wednesday, and we only reschedule if someone is out of town. We make Wednesdays a priority, and we have all consciously made a choice to find a way to make it work.
You can make these kind of choices in your life too. Start by asking yourself a question, like “could I write a book?, or could I take 1 afternoon off a week?, or could I work from home?” As soon as you answer yes to the question, you will be on track to actually do it. Make your dreams a priority. You can have, and do whatever you want if you think you can. So go for it! Namaste.

You’ve gotta ask.

Today I want to encourage you to release the fear you have of putting yourself out there. If you never get noticed, you will never attract the people you need in your life. Ask questions, even if they seem ridiculous. If you never ask, you will never know what the answer might have been.

I put myself on display every time I am at a book signing for Be That Girl. I consistently ask people if they have time to check out my book, and believe me I get a lot of different responses. Lots of no’s, lots of ignoring, and then there are the yesses. And sometimes, people are just drawn to my book.

Recently, I asked for something spectacular… a foreward for my book written by a bestselling author who has inspired me incredibly on my journey. Guess what? I got it. (Woo Hoo! Milestone Achieved!) Ask…and you shall receive.

Put yourself out there. Do not be afraid. Overcome the fear. Ask for ridiculous things. Believe that you can achieve things and that you deserve to achieve them, work hard, be worthy of help and offer to help others. Go get it! Namaste.

Flip a switch.

Your mind is a powerful computer. When you give your mind the right input, it will, in turn, produce the right output. On the flip side, when you put garbage into your mind, you will get garbage out. Just what you would expect from a computer.
For most of my life, I had been telling myself, and anyone else who cared to listen, that I could never write a book. I really, honestly believed that I couldn’t. About a year and a half ago, I was inspired by a powerful book to look at my life a little differently.  Actually, it made me look at myself a little differently.
I remember distinctly the day that I flipped a switch in my mind. It started with a simple question to myself. “Could I write a book?”
The day that I allowed myself to believe that it was possible, the floodgates of my mind opened up and a stir of excitement started to grow in my belly.
Today, I hold my book in my hands with great joy, and I love to inspire others with it. I have proven that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. What will I think of next? A plan to take over the world?
You are also capable of anything, but you must first believe it is possible. Once you know that you can, you can! That is the secret.
So, flip a switch in your mind today and start getting more of everything out of your life. Namaste!


When in doubt…

When in doubt, write it out!
Having a journal that you keep on you at all times is a powerful way to talk to yourself and to the Universe. If you are questioning things, you have a decision to make, or when you are experiencing doubt, simply write down how you feel about the situation, without over-analyzing. After you write down your feelings, sleep on it. Assess your feelings again in the morning. This process can really activate the Universe, and you! Namaste.