You get to decide.

4 years ago, I felt like the rug of my life had been pulled out. To avoid a complete mental breakdown, my wonderful mother suggested that I get a babysitter and go out for lunch with her. I agreed, found a sitter, and away we went. I had the most awesome afternoon, and I felt so much better. The following week, we met for lunch again, and my sister Brenda joined us. During that lunch, we asked ourselves if we could make this sort of thing work every Wednesday. Could we really pull off lunch together every week?
I am happy to report that 4 years of Wednesday lunches later, we have made it work almost every Wednesday, and we only reschedule if someone is out of town. We make Wednesdays a priority, and we have all consciously made a choice to find a way to make it work.
You can make these kind of choices in your life too. Start by asking yourself a question, like “could I write a book?, or could I take 1 afternoon off a week?, or could I work from home?” As soon as you answer yes to the question, you will be on track to actually do it. Make your dreams a priority. You can have, and do whatever you want if you think you can. So go for it! Namaste.

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