Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
C. S. Lewis
Get some human contact today. 🙂 Namaste.
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
C. S. Lewis
Get some human contact today. 🙂 Namaste.
Visualize yourself successful.
Take 5 minutes today to secure your success by visualizing it. Sit quietly by yourself with your eyes closed. Take 3 deep, cleansing breaths. Then think about yourself.
If you know what being successful will look like for you, visualize yourself being there. If you have an important exam, presentation, competitive event, or business venture in the works, see yourself actually performing in that event, and see the results you want. Watch from afar as you successfully complete the task. While you are watching yourself, practice feeling calm, relaxed and confident. You’ve got this one in the bag. You do not feel anxiety about the task because you know that you will be successful at it, and you are prepared. Smile at yourself. You are going to hit this one out of the park. Know with everything inside of you that you are going to be wildly successful. Namaste.
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”
Bruce Lee
Make time in your life by being more efficient. Make your “to do” lists the night before so that your brain can subconsciously work on getting it all done while you are sleeping. You will sleep better knowing what to expect from your day, and you will wake up feeling ready to take on the world! Your “to do” list should be detailed and include everything that will need to be done for the one day. Schedule your time everyday, and be sure to include work, personal, school and family stuff all on one calendar that you can keep with you at all times. Use a daily calendar that has time slots on it so that you can see just how much time you have to get things done. There is only so much time in the day, so make good use of every minute. Be sure to schedule in some time just for you… you deserve it.
Plan to do things, and then do them. This is the secret to success. Namaste.
Here is my daughter Trinity. She made this shirt the other morning for herself, and then proceeded to wear it for 3 days straight!
She is demonstrating here that you are never too young, or too old, to start loving yourself. It seems easier to love yourself when you are young, and you have not had the experience of messing up or making mistakes in your life. No matter what your experience, or your hardships, today is a new day. The past is just that… past, gone, done. Today is a new day, so start today with loving every piece of yourself. Forgive yourself and open yourself up to the love that you have already inside of you.
So start proclaiming “I am the Best!” everyday. Because you are. You deserve to love yourself and you are worth it. Namaste!
When you teach someone else, it actually helps you to learn the skill at a deeper level. Take what you have learned from books and courses and apply it in your life by teaching it to someone else. If you are teaching people amazing things, you are going to help them out immensely. You will also be helping yourself to grow and develop more. Knowing you have helped someone will make your heart swell with joy. That is what it’s all about. Namaste!
Take a piece of paper and write down at the top
“Awesome things about ” Insert Your Name”. For me, it would be “Awesome things about Tina O’Connor”.
Write down your accomplishments in life as of today. Try to write down at least 5 things, but write as much as you can! Here are some examples:
This is a personal list, and one that should be fun. Read your list over when you are done, and give yourself a pat on the back. YOU ARE AMAZING.
Now start treating yourself like the amazing person you are. And starting today, do whatever it takes to add things to your awesome list.
Have an abundant day! Namaste.
Read books on things you are passionate about. Read more books on being successful. Read other successful people’s biographies. Read books written by your heroes. Reading is a common trait of highly successful people, so do as they do.
Do something nice for a friend today.
“A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often – just to save it from drying out completely.” Pam Brown
Protect yourself with your mind. Imagine that you have an invisible shield. Now put it on yourself, and zip it up. Get your family to do the same. Now imagine that you also have a large imaginary shield that covers your entire home, and property. Zip it up and lock it down. Now enjoy that “safe” feeling! 🙂