
Visualize yourself successful.

Take 5 minutes today to secure your success by visualizing it.  Sit quietly by yourself with your eyes closed.  Take 3 deep, cleansing breaths.  Then think about yourself.

If you know what being successful will look like for you, visualize yourself being there.  If you have an important exam, presentation, competitive event, or business venture in the works, see yourself actually performing in that event, and see the results you want.   Watch from afar as you successfully complete the task.  While you are watching yourself, practice feeling calm, relaxed and confident.  You’ve got this one in the bag.  You do not feel anxiety about the task because you know that you will be successful at it, and you are prepared. Smile at yourself.  You are going to hit this one out of the park.   Know with everything inside of you that you are going to be wildly successful.  Namaste.

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