A little Fleetwood.

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow, don’t stop, it’ll soon be here…it will be better than before…yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone! Ooooooooh, don’t you look back” -Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac has always made me think fondly of my parents and our ’70s style brown and orange furniture. I catch myself often singing the above portion of their lyrics and I am inspired by this song.

Letting go of the past and understanding that the past is “gone” will help you live a happier present day life. Don’t look back, look ahead. Focus on your future today. You have the power to create whatever future that you see for yourself. So, dream big and have complete faith that your future will be even more amazing than today. Your future starts tomorrow. Look forward to it. Namaste.


When you forgive someone for a wrongdoing, you set yourself free of the negative feelings associated with the act.  Just let it go, move on, and learn.  Forgiving is not accepting that what was done was correct.  It is releasing yourself from those emotions, and it will allow you to move forward in your own life.  You are what matters, so take care of you at all times.  Forgive Best books on self help, organizational book, books of motivation, books on change, success lawsfor yourself.  Namaste.

Don’t Worry Be Happy

We all know the popular song, Don’t Worry Be Happy.  When my own mother sang this song at a recent karaoke party, it took the song to a whole new level of positive! The essence of this song is the key to ending your anxieties, and finding your balance of happiness. Stop worrying over things you cannot control.  Control the things you can to the best of your abilities.  And then decide to be happy.  Have a joyous Saturday Night everyone.  Namaste.

It’s your choice.

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”
Wayne Dyer
Sometimes things don’t go the way you planned.  Don’t feel sorry for yourself.  And don’t expect others to feel sorry for you either.  Instead, choose to grab life by the horns and get back on the saddle for another ride! Take back the control that you almost gave away, and deal with the situation in the most positive way possible…take action.  Accept the reality of the situation, and figure out what to do next.  Start with changing your thinking…life goes on and it is really not that bad.  Have faith that there is a rainbow around the next corner and the gold is there waiting for you if you can just choose to get there.  Namaste.

Clear some clutter.

Pick 1 small area in your home or office today that has been driving you crazy.   Spend 10 minutes removing the clutter from that area and reorganizing it.  Set a timer for 10 minutes and be done when it rings.  Stand back and smile at the fact that you just fixed one thing that was driving you crazy! Namaste.


A perfect partnership is one where two people are willing to put in the same amount of effort towards achieving a defined goal.  Plan together and then work hard towards achieving that goal and you will succeed… together.  Namaste.


When you encounter an obstacle in your life while you are pursuing something, don’t freak out.  The obstacle is not the end of your pursuit.  It is there for a reason.  Don’t give up.  Be more creative about getting around the obstacle.  Ask more questions, and have faith.  The Universe always provides exactly what you need, at exactly the right time.  Namaste.


Visualize yourself successful.

Take 5 minutes today to secure your success by visualizing it.  Sit quietly by yourself with your eyes closed.  Take 3 deep, cleansing breaths.  Then think about yourself.

If you know what being successful will look like for you, visualize yourself being there.  If you have an important exam, presentation, competitive event, or business venture in the works, see yourself actually performing in that event, and see the results you want.   Watch from afar as you successfully complete the task.  While you are watching yourself, practice feeling calm, relaxed and confident.  You’ve got this one in the bag.  You do not feel anxiety about the task because you know that you will be successful at it, and you are prepared. Smile at yourself.  You are going to hit this one out of the park.   Know with everything inside of you that you are going to be wildly successful.  Namaste.

Be Inspired.

Find people, books, and other things that inspire you.  Search out people who are doing what you would like to be doing, and allow them to “light a fire” in you.  You don’t have to do it alone.  The road to success can be traveled faster, and more enjoyably, with the right people in your life.   Open yourself up to some inspiration today.  Namaste.

Get it.

There are just some people who “have it” in this life.  I am one of those people.  You can be too, if you aren’t already.

“I think, therefore I am.”  Rene Descartes.

Be sure to think of yourself in positive and successful ways.  This will ensure that you become, and stay, that person.  Namaste.