Success Laws: Keep your cool.

It is important to remember that your successes in life are dependent upon your interactions with other people. We cannot do things on our own. We need others to help us, guide us, and give us what we need. Oh, there are times when I wish this was not the case! But it is a reality.

There will be times when it seems like other people are on a mission to destroy you. They seem to thwart all of your efforts and have you thinking that you are just an interruption and annoyance in their day. Unfortunately, you need them. Even though you will feel like you want to scream, swear and cry to get what you want, you need to approach these situations differently. It all comes down to proper communication and persuasion. And it all hinges on your own perception of the person and the situation.
When someone appears to be pulling attitude with you, or just generally not doing what you need or want them to do,  remember that it is rarely about you. It is not personal. Everyone has their own issues, and often the reactions that you get from people are a result of their own insecurities or background, which you know nothing about. And you may not need, or want to know that information!
All you need to do is keep your cool. Remember what the goal is… get what you need out of that person. Time to turn on your charm. Let them know that you understand where they are coming from and that you appreciate everything they are doing for you (even if they are blatantly NOT doing a thing for you), and then help them to understand where you are coming from. People are innately selfish, so focus on what they are going to get out of a successful transaction with you. Maintain your assertive position, but keep your emotions in check.
And if you need to lighten it up, just keep thinking to yourself “how sweet can I be to the B*#tch*s I encounter in my life?” (you may also insert an appropriate male gender specific title when the need arises).
Keep your communications light and sweet… do whatever it takes to make yourself smile even when you’re having a particularly difficult negotiation. Do not get discouraged if one conversation ends in you not getting what you wanted. It’s not personal. The important thing is to keep trying and keep smiling.  Namaste.

Rock Inspired Inspiration

You never know when inspiration is going to hit you.  The other day on my drive home from Edmonton, I was inspired by a Trooper song.  These were the lyrics that spoke to me…

“If you don’t like what you got, why don’t you change it?
If your world is all screwed up , rearrange it”

While this particular inspiration proves that I am a rocker at heart,  you don’t have to be a rocker, or even like rock music, to see the inspiration in it.

If you are not happy with the results you are seeing in your life, you need to know that you have the power to change it.  Grab onto that feeling of control, and make a change in your life, even if it is a small one.

I also like the reference to rearranging things in your life.  I love to organize! Rearranging a room in your home can have a tremendous impact on your life.  So make a concrete change to something in your home that has been bugging you.  Doing this will not only change how you feel about your surroundings;  it will also change how you feel inside.

Have an incredible Monday!

Sit Back, Relax, and…

Take Action! Yes, you can relax and you can enjoy your life.  But you also need to be taking action in your life.  Maximize your time and results by taking the right actions.  Make sure you know where you want to go, and then just start taking little steps everyday towards getting you there.  If you make time and focus on your dreams and your passions consistently, you will achieve your dreams.

Focusing on your dreams must include:

  • visualization of, and meditation on your dreams
  • writing down your dreams and passions, without restriction
  • writing down steps to take to achieve your goals
  • creating time in your day to consistently work on your dreams

Find 20 minutes today, and everyday, to give your dreams some time.  You’re worth it.  Namaste.


The Power of the Mind.

I recently read a book to my 3 girls called “Little Miss Giggles”, part of the Little Miss Collection.

In this story, Little Miss Giggles wakes up one day and she has lost her giggle!

Mr. Happy, who of course cannot stand to see anyone not happy, figures out a way to help her get her giggle back.  He gives her an empty box that says something like “Contains 1 Giggle”.  She opens it up and says “There is nothing in here!” And he says, “of course there is”…

and then she starts giggling!

This story just reminded me of how powerful that computer is that you have inside of your head.  You can truly create everything you want and need with your mind.  You need to know how powerful your mind is, and you need to start using it to benefit you everyday.  Let’s start a giggle revolution by making some boxes of giggles, and sharing them with others around us.  Soon, we will will all be laughing our way through every day.  What could be more perfect? Namaste.

Good Bathroom Graffiti

Now, I am not one to condone writing on the walls in bathrooms.  That is not what this is about.  We have all been in a stall where someone has defaced the walls with whatever they have on their person; pens, markers, pencils or just something sharp they can use to scratch it in.  Often, the things written are either cruel or mean,  or it is someone professing their love for someone else. (T.O. + R.O. 4-Ever).  I hate to generalize on this, but I would say that most of the graffiti is done by younger adults.

Today, I was inspired by some high quality graffiti in my stall.  It read:

Love yourself for who you are

I absolutely adored this wall message and it made me think fondly of the new generation of young adults.  Yeah, they’re writing on the walls, but at least they are writing about truly important things!

And it’s true.  You need to love yourself for who you are.  When you love yourself, you will start treating yourself better.  You will find it easier to provide your body with healthy things and avoid things that are not good for you.  When you love yourself, you will talk nicely to yourself and it will be easier for you to succeed at whatever you want.

So embrace the inspiration to love yourself! Small, inspiring quotes can be everywhere…. even in your bathroom stall.  Be ready! Namaste.

Home again.

At the end of any vacation,  you may feel sad about your return to “real life”.  If this is the case, you need to rethink your “real life”!

It’s time to get excited about your everyday by making sure you are doing things you love.  Follow your passion every day in everything you do, and let go of the things that bring you stress but do not give you results.

Don’t know what your passions are anymore? Time to think about it for real.  in my book, Be That Girl, I walk you through writing a 5 year plan based on what you really want out of life.  Can’t wait for your copy of the book? Sign up for my e-newsletter at and receive a free video on changing your life today.

Chase your dreams everyday and soon your dreams will be reality.  Namaste.


Let the Sunshine in.

Oh, let the sunshine in, face it with a grin…

Open up your heart and let the sunshine in!

How can I deal with stress? Remember to put your smile on, and let some sunshine in.  Smiling can change the way you feel inside and outside, and will bring more positivity to you! Simple steps to happiness.  Namaste!

Love is in the air.

Today is the day that we are supposed to tell the people we love how much we love them.  There is an expectation that one will receive flowers, chocolates, jewelery or a beautiful, romantic night out.

I love the idea of Valentine’s Day in that we tell people we care about them and appreciate them.  What I do not like are all of the expectations that we have placed on one day.   I think we should consider every day to be like Valentine’s Day and not wait for one day to tell our loved ones how we feel.  And I also do not think you should feel pressured to spend a lot of money on something to give to your loved ones as a sign of affection.

Making a homemade card with an affectionate saying on it, or writing a love note and giving it to someone can be more powerful than any diamond bracelet. (don’t get me wrong, diamonds are still a girls best friend…)

Don’t wait for Valentine’s Day.  Say “I Love You” everyday with your words and with your actions.  Getting flowers on a day that is not Valentine’s Day will surprise your sweetheart even more.

Express your love everyday and always try to maintain an element of surprise.  Everyone loves a good surprise.  Happy Valentine’s Day!

Get Connected.

The other day I stopped at the corner grocery store to get some deli meat and cheese.  While I was waiting for them to prepare my sandwich fare, I grabbed a cold beer and put it on the counter.  A gentleman came up to buy his items and my beer sort of got mixed in with his stuff.  I quickly grabbed the beer and said
“oh, the beer is mine”.  This sweet man says “Oh, I’ll buy that beer for you, don’t worry about it!”

How kind is that? He was from London, Ontario and we ended up having a good ‘ole chat about what we do with ourselves when we are not on vacation.  Turns out he owns nursing homes in Ontario, and he had valuable information for me on a little project that I have been mulling around in my head.  And he is so excited to read “Be That Girl!”.  I am taking a copy to him today.  In less than 5 minutes, we shared a tonne of information with each other and I thoroughly enjoyed waiting for my lunchmeat.

Every person you meet has information for you, or you have information for them.  You have got to be daring enough to talk to strangers, in spite of what our parents taught us as children.  It still amazes me how quickly my children make connections with other children.  Kids are like magnets to each other and it is as if they know innately that if they hang out together the fun will be multiplied.  Yesterday, we met a family with 3 girls also at the beach.  The connection between those girls and my girls was instantaneous, and meeting them ended up being a highlight of my girls day.  I have included a picture of the little darlings.

Us adults could really learn from this.  We need to get out there and start talking to new people.  Get connected, get information, share information, and reap the rewards that your network will give you.

Today, I am on a mission to pay my free beer forward to someone new.  I wonder who I will meet, and what I will learn.  How exciting!

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Roatan Recycling Update.

When I was in Roatan a year ago, there were no recycling facilities that I could see.  The people living here even told me that there was no where to recycle cans and bottles.  If you’ve read my book, I talk about how cans are simply burned or just thrown into the ocean here! My husband and I did discover by asking around that the stores would take the bottles and cans and return them, so we started dropping them off there.  One year later, I am so pleased to report that there are now bottle and can containers located all over the island.    Woo Hoo! What a difference a year can make.  Someone here was thinking, and wanted to help make a change for this island, and for the world. A small thought followed by a small action by one person created a huge change in how things are handled on this island.

You may think that the little things you do don’t add up to much.  But, if the little things you do stimulate others to change their thinking, and then they start doing little things also, eventually we can all change the world just by doing something small.  And that is the way to make change, and save the planet that has been so good to us.  Small actions and small changes in thinking create huge results.  So get out there and do something small today!  Namaste.