My, Oh My.

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! Today’s inspiration is a song that you won’t mind having stuck in your head…

“Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin’ my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay” -lyrics by Ray Gilbert.

Today is your day. Harness the power, and know that everything you need is on its way to you today. 🙂 Sing it! Namaste.



Slow it down.

Today’s Inspiration is from a classic Eagles song…
“Life in the fast lane
Surely make you lose your mind!”
Make sure you slow things down a little and enjoy the things that are happening, and the things that you have, right now. Plan for the future, and work towards your dreams but realize that NOW is what you have, and NOW is the perfect time to enjoy what you have. Don’t lose your mind in the fast lane. Breathe, Relax, appreciate, enjoy, and have a little fun. Namaste.


As I child, I distinctly remember the day that I realized that my parents were just real people, and not the perfect constructs that, up until that point, I had imagined in my mind.
We all reach a point in our lives where we realize that we are a lot like our parents, and we figure out that being like our parents isn’t so bad…in fact, it can be amazing!
You are who you are because of the experiences you have had to date, and it is up to you to love yourself right now, and create what you need for yourself going forward. Accept yourself for who you are and be thankful for the experiences that you have been given, but don’t ever limit yourself based on that. You are incredible and you can do anything.
Be thankful to your parents for everything they have given you, including all the great learning experiences. Without them, you would not be you.
Sending lots of love to my Mom and Dad. They are responsible for getting me here.

Activate your opportunities.

How can I become a millionaire? The best books on self help encourage you to activate your opportunities!
This weekend, Ryan and I attended the Calgary Women’s Show and actively promoted Be That Girl in our booth. At the end of the show, we had a tonne of stuff to haul out. I went looking for a trolly to help ease the move out process. There were trolly’s available, but there was a wait list with 15 people ahead of me. “No problem”, I thought. we’ll just make 3 trips out to the car together. On my way back to our booth, I noticed a girl still actively taking down her booth and a very empty trolly sitting inside her booth. Now, I could have just kept on walking past, but I didn’t. I stopped and asked if I could borrow her trolley. She was hesitant, at first, but then agreed to let me use it as long as I was really fast.
Opportunities are presented to you all the time, but you need to be watching for them. Recognize each opportunity, and then do something about it! Do not be afraid to ask for what you need, or want. Grabbing onto opportunities as they are presented is the key to your success. Keep your eyes open and don’t second guess yourself by just walking past opportunities that are being handed to you. Things are put in front of you for the taking if you are daring enough to take them. Activate your opportunities and you are guaranteed to succeed. Namaste.

You’ve gotta ask.

Today I want to encourage you to release the fear you have of putting yourself out there. If you never get noticed, you will never attract the people you need in your life. Ask questions, even if they seem ridiculous. If you never ask, you will never know what the answer might have been.

I put myself on display every time I am at a book signing for Be That Girl. I consistently ask people if they have time to check out my book, and believe me I get a lot of different responses. Lots of no’s, lots of ignoring, and then there are the yesses. And sometimes, people are just drawn to my book.

Recently, I asked for something spectacular… a foreward for my book written by a bestselling author who has inspired me incredibly on my journey. Guess what? I got it. (Woo Hoo! Milestone Achieved!) Ask…and you shall receive.

Put yourself out there. Do not be afraid. Overcome the fear. Ask for ridiculous things. Believe that you can achieve things and that you deserve to achieve them, work hard, be worthy of help and offer to help others. Go get it! Namaste.

An easy, effective assignment.

Grab a garbage bag and take a walk through your home. Open up closets, look under the beds, and inside drawers. Pick 5 things that you no longer need or want, or that just no longer have a spot in your life anymore.
Choose things like shoes you no longer wear, old jackets, boardgames, old make up or hair products, books, toys or something out of your kitchen. It may be your favorite jeans… the ones that you can’t even wear out of the house anymore because they are so worn out.
As you put things into your garbage bag, let go of any feelings you have associated with those items. Say “thanks for being there for me, but I need to move on”.
Be sure to find at least 5 items, and feel free to get rid of more (but don’t spend all day on this).
This task should take less than 10 minutes, if you walk fast and make quick decisions. It’s only 5 things. No excuses. Just go do it now.
Look through the garbage bag and decide what you are going to do with your 5 items. If the item is garbage (not reusable), put it there now. Decide if you want to donate, or sell, the remaining items that are still usable. Put the items you intend to donate into your car so you can drop them off on your next outing. If you plan to sell some items, decide how you are going to do that and then do it. Take pictures of your items and upload them to Kijijji, or decide on a date for your next garage sale. If you think trying to sell the items will be a hassle, just donate. You will be making someone’s life better. By doing this exercise, you will also be making your own life better. Reducing the amount of stuff you have in your life can increase your efficiency and reduce your stress. Namaste.

Don’t chase money.

Look deep inside yourself and figure out what you love to do. Then find ways to do more of what you love. Make career choices based on your passion, and do not worry about the money. If you chase your passion, all the money you need will follow… and you will feel amazing. Often we choose to do things because of the resulting monetary rewards, not because we enjoy the activity. Remember that there is more to life than money, and you will be able to create more of everything you want if you are excited about what you are doing with your time. Joy, and money, can be found in loving what you do.

You have full control, and you can be doing what you love today! Trust the Universe. And trust in your own abilities. You’ve got skills to pay the bills, but it’s your passion that will make you millions. Namaste.

Hang in there.

That moment that you want to give up, and often do give up, is also the moment when things are about to turn around for you. You have got to hang in there. Do not give up. The Universe always provides, but only at the last second. If you give up, you will miss it. Your patience and your strength will be tested. Stay the course. It is all within your reach if you have enough faith to stand strong, and persevere. Namaste.

Make Decisions.

In order to make things happen in your life, you must be able to make decisions. You must take on the responsibility, gather the relevant information, listen to your own intuition, and then make a decision. 
Making a decision holds you responsible for the outcome, which can be scary. Remember that fear feels the same as excitement in your belly, so embrace that feeling, and do not allow it to hold you back. Accept the responsibility and get excited about the potential results.
You can find any information you need to help you make informed choices, but you must be looking for it. Do your research and then compile the results.
Combine the information you have gathered with your own incredible instincts to help you make the right decisions at the right times.
You are presented with opportunities and choices daily, and decisions will need to be made or you will not see progress.   Successful people make decisions consistently, and they learn from each outcome how to make better decisions in the future.
Take control and do not be afraid. Start making life changing decisions today!  Namaste.

Success Law: Be Careful What you Change.

The Best Books on Self Help, Be That Books, encourage you to use their Success Laws.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Do not waste your time making changes to things that are working. Just assess everything, decide what is working and what isn’t, and leave well enough alone the things that do not need your intervention. Simplify!