Are there things to do around your home that you never have to do, and that you do not know how to do, because you are fortunate enough to have someone do it for you? If you are relying on someone else to take care of things for you, a day may come where you are going to be stuck doing it, and you won’t know how! Be proactive in your life and ensure that you can take care of things yourself. Granted, you will always have support in your life, but you need to be able to care of yourself and your family on your own as the need arises. So, if you have a snow blower that you do not know how to use, ask to learn today! If you don’t know how to check the oil in your car, or how to change a tire, learn to do it now! If you’ve never set up the Christmas Tree by yourself, do it today so you can learn. If you have no idea how to do laundry or how to iron or how to sew, it’s time to learn. Ask the person who always does these things to show you how. It is much easier to learn something from the expert in your house than when you are alone and a need arises! And remember, you CAN do it. There are always going to be things in our life that we don’t want to do, but have to do, so we need to know how to do them. Have an educational day! Namaste.
Tag: success laws
A perfect partnership is one where two people are willing to put in the same amount of effort towards achieving a defined goal. Plan together and then work hard towards achieving that goal and you will succeed… together. Namaste.
Be Inspired.
Find people, books, and other things that inspire you. Search out people who are doing what you would like to be doing, and allow them to “light a fire” in you. You don’t have to do it alone. The road to success can be traveled faster, and more enjoyably, with the right people in your life. Open yourself up to some inspiration today. Namaste.
Effort and action produce results. Motivation and desire inspire efforts and actions.
Look at your life. You will notice that you are seeing results in the areas that you are putting the most effort into. Not getting the results you want? Ask yourself if you are truly putting in the effort. Then ask yourself if you truly want to get results in that area. If you are motivated, you will put in the effort. So, why are you not motivated to get the results you think you want? What is holding back?
You are the only one holding you back. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Break the walls down and tell yourself that you CAN do it.
Figure out what you really want, and what really motivates you. This is the key. Everything else will fall into place once you have that straight in your own mind.
Motivation. Effort. Results.
Think it, Plan it, Do it.
If you can think it, you can plan it. If you can plan it, you can do it. Be from Planet Do-it!
“The possession of anything begins in the mind.”
Bruce Lee
It’s up to you.
Take full responsibility for where you are in your life. Do not blame others. You are in control of your destiny. Accept the responsibility for where you are now and then embrace with all your heart and soul the knowledge that you have the power change it.
Be That Boss!
You are your own boss. So, it’s time to start giving yourself the correct orders and then start listening to yourself. Now tell yourself that you are successful, positive and happy. Follow your own orders! Start bossing yourself around in all the right ways! Namaste.
It’s Friday!
Is there someone in your life that you have been thinking about, but have not seen or spoken to in a long time? Today is the day to give them a call. Do it now!
Thoughtful Thursday
“What other people think about you is none of your business.”
The only opinion you need to be concerned with is your own! If you have a great opinion of yourself, you will project that to the world. So go ahead and love the person you are, and start making change happen in your life!
Turn that frown upside down!
Force yourself to consciously smile more. When you are driving in the car, smile. When you are walking through the grocery store, smile. When you are losing your mind at work, smile! You may have to physically force it sometimes by using your fingers to push your frown up… but do it! People will look at you and wonder what you are smiling at…that is your secret! You’ll change your own mood, and the moods of others around you one smile at a time.