Take Action!

Take Action.

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
Tony Robbins

Thoughts inspire action and action produces results. If you have done my Planet Do-it Seminar, then you have taken some action in your life already, so congratulations! The next step is to go after those goals with a passion that no one can interfere with. Take more action toward those goals, starting today. You can make it happen.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of attending my Planet Do-it Seminar, I have just released a Video Version of this seminar so that you can attend my workshop at your convenience! Sign up to see my new Video NOW! If you have already attended my seminar, and you enjoyed it, now you can share it with your loved ones and friends.

On Christmas Giving.

Christmas day is fast approaching, and I can feel the excitement oozing out of my children.  They are so excited about their presents.  Living in North America, it is so easy to forget how lucky we are to have the lifestyles that we do, compared to other people living in impoverished countries around the world.  Christmas is the season of giving, and I would like to encourage you to think outside of your own family for gift giving this year.  There are a lot of people less fortunate than you, and helping someone out can really make your heart swell with joy.  In our family, we always choose a charity or family to give to each year.  We “give up” our gift exchange and give the money we would have spent to someone who needs it more than we do.  I would encourage you to find a way to give to someone less fortunate than you this Christmas.  Help someone have a Christmas Dinner, or help a family buy a present for their children.  Make food bank donations, or donate your time to help out an organization.  Think about giving and helping and sharing, and together we will make this holiday season brighter for everyone.  Namaste.

Happy Monday!

When life dumps on snow, make snowmen, snow forts, and snow angels.  Try out snow shoes, go skating, skiing or snowboarding.  Don’t have snow where you live? We have lots here to share! Canadian living at its finest! Have a great Monday.  Namaste.

Spend it wisely.

“Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.”
Adam Hochschild

When you do have time off, be careful how you spend it.  You cannot get the time that passes back, and you do not want to regret anything.  Focus on the things in your life that you care about most, and give those things as much time as you can by scheduling them first.  And do your best to not get distracted.  Do something fun today… it is Friday!  Namaste.

Safe Saturday

Protect yourself with your mind. Imagine that you have an invisible shield. Now put it on yourself, and zip it up. Get your family to do the same. Now imagine that you also have a large imaginary shield that covers your entire home, and property. Zip it up and lock it down. Now enjoy that “safe” feeling! 🙂

Thoughtful Thursday

“What other people think about you is none of your business.”
The only opinion you need to be concerned with is your own! If you have a great opinion of yourself, you will project that to the world. So go ahead and love the person you are, and start making change happen in your life!

Turn that frown upside down!

Force yourself to consciously smile more.  When you are driving in the car, smile.  When you are walking through the grocery store, smile.  When you are losing your mind at work, smile! You may have to physically force it sometimes by using your fingers to push your frown up… but do it! People will look at you and wonder what you are smiling at…that is your secret! You’ll change your own mood, and the moods of others around you one smile at a time.

Dreamy Thursday

You’ve got to have a dream, and you’ve got to dream BIG!

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”
Dr. Seuss