A little Fleetwood.

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow, don’t stop, it’ll soon be here…it will be better than before…yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone! Ooooooooh, don’t you look back” -Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac has always made me think fondly of my parents and our ’70s style brown and orange furniture. I catch myself often singing the above portion of their lyrics and I am inspired by this song.

Letting go of the past and understanding that the past is “gone” will help you live a happier present day life. Don’t look back, look ahead. Focus on your future today. You have the power to create whatever future that you see for yourself. So, dream big and have complete faith that your future will be even more amazing than today. Your future starts tomorrow. Look forward to it. Namaste.


When you forgive someone for a wrongdoing, you set yourself free of the negative feelings associated with the act.  Just let it go, move on, and learn.  Forgiving is not accepting that what was done was correct.  It is releasing yourself from those emotions, and it will allow you to move forward in your own life.  You are what matters, so take care of you at all times.  Forgive Best books on self help, organizational book, books of motivation, books on change, success lawsfor yourself.  Namaste.

On Christmas Giving.

Christmas day is fast approaching, and I can feel the excitement oozing out of my children.  They are so excited about their presents.  Living in North America, it is so easy to forget how lucky we are to have the lifestyles that we do, compared to other people living in impoverished countries around the world.  Christmas is the season of giving, and I would like to encourage you to think outside of your own family for gift giving this year.  There are a lot of people less fortunate than you, and helping someone out can really make your heart swell with joy.  In our family, we always choose a charity or family to give to each year.  We “give up” our gift exchange and give the money we would have spent to someone who needs it more than we do.  I would encourage you to find a way to give to someone less fortunate than you this Christmas.  Help someone have a Christmas Dinner, or help a family buy a present for their children.  Make food bank donations, or donate your time to help out an organization.  Think about giving and helping and sharing, and together we will make this holiday season brighter for everyone.  Namaste.

Happy Monday!

When life dumps on snow, make snowmen, snow forts, and snow angels.  Try out snow shoes, go skating, skiing or snowboarding.  Don’t have snow where you live? We have lots here to share! Canadian living at its finest! Have a great Monday.  Namaste.

Spend it wisely.

“Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.”
Adam Hochschild

When you do have time off, be careful how you spend it.  You cannot get the time that passes back, and you do not want to regret anything.  Focus on the things in your life that you care about most, and give those things as much time as you can by scheduling them first.  And do your best to not get distracted.  Do something fun today… it is Friday!  Namaste.

A thought on Christmas.

Christmas is the time of year that everyone starts feeling overwhelmed and stressed out! Cookies to bake, cards to send, houses to decorate, shopping, parties, kids concerts….Whew! I am exhausted just thinking about it! My advice today is to stop! Christmas is being marketed to you as a consumer, and you do not have to buy into it! If you can do all of the things you feel you have to for Christmas, without feeling stressed, perfect. But if you are already anxious about it, let it go. Christmas will come and go whether you get everything you feel pressured to get done or not. And why not rethink Christmas? For me, the best part about Christmas is that my husband gets a week off because his work closes. And our kids are also off school. So, we get a whole week to spend together as a family. Our focus is on sharing this time with our family, eating, drinking and being merry! Let the stress of Christmas go, and just enjoy it. No one is judging you on your efforts this Christmas, so put some focus back on your family and friends. Namaste.

Don’t do too much.

Feeling stressed and overworked? Not able to take a sick day? Assess what you are doing with your time.  You may have to let something go.  You do not have to do it all, you just have to do what you need to get the results you want.  And if what you are doing causes more stress for you than the benefits, let it go.  Namaste.

Clear some clutter.

Pick 1 small area in your home or office today that has been driving you crazy.   Spend 10 minutes removing the clutter from that area and reorganizing it.  Set a timer for 10 minutes and be done when it rings.  Stand back and smile at the fact that you just fixed one thing that was driving you crazy! Namaste.