Cheers to 2012!

Ringing in the New Year this year, I was struck by how profound it was to actually celebrate the start of something new. The excitement that built as we anticipated the arrival of midnight was intense and exciting. Everyone got ready and made sure they were close to the person they wanted to kiss or hug once New Year hit. We were so excited, we started our countdown at 30. By the time we hit “Happy New Year!” the volume in the room was high!

As I went around the room to collect my New Year hugs, I realized something. New Year’s is the perfect time to replenish energy through hugging! You can really get in a lot of hugs all at once, and it feels amazing. The entire room was filled with a buzz of excitement, energy and emotion. You could feel all of the optimism, wonder, and mystery as we welcomed in a new year filled with unknowns, mixed with the many feelings we all had of saying goodbye to another year.

Being surrounded entirely by family and friends in one room was like the icing on the cake of this last year. And a perfect way to start out a fresh new year.

The year of 2012. A year of change. A new start. A clean slate. This is your year. Namaste.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

Make your body a priority by feeding it healthy food and lots of water. Give yourself 7-9 hours of sleep a day. Add some activity to your life. Having a healthy body that is strong and rested will ensure that you feel calm, relaxed and happy. Boost your confidence by maintaining a healthy body. Namaste.


Not too much. Not too little. Start getting things “just right” in your life by balancing, and prioritizing.

Been spending a lot of time at work? No worry’s. Just make sure you take some extra time to relax, have fun, and spend time with your family and friends. Been having too much fun lately? That’s ok too, but you still have to make up the time that you missed from the other things that require effort in your life. You can’t just slack off or you will not get the results you want in your life. Ensure that you have a healthy balance, and you will never feel ripped off when you have to put extra effort into other things in your life temporarily. Namaste.

A little Fleetwood.

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow, don’t stop, it’ll soon be here…it will be better than before…yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone! Ooooooooh, don’t you look back” -Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac has always made me think fondly of my parents and our ’70s style brown and orange furniture. I catch myself often singing the above portion of their lyrics and I am inspired by this song.

Letting go of the past and understanding that the past is “gone” will help you live a happier present day life. Don’t look back, look ahead. Focus on your future today. You have the power to create whatever future that you see for yourself. So, dream big and have complete faith that your future will be even more amazing than today. Your future starts tomorrow. Look forward to it. Namaste.


When you forgive someone for a wrongdoing, you set yourself free of the negative feelings associated with the act.  Just let it go, move on, and learn.  Forgiving is not accepting that what was done was correct.  It is releasing yourself from those emotions, and it will allow you to move forward in your own life.  You are what matters, so take care of you at all times.  Forgive Best books on self help, organizational book, books of motivation, books on change, success lawsfor yourself.  Namaste.

Happy Monday!

When life dumps on snow, make snowmen, snow forts, and snow angels.  Try out snow shoes, go skating, skiing or snowboarding.  Don’t have snow where you live? We have lots here to share! Canadian living at its finest! Have a great Monday.  Namaste.

Don’t Worry Be Happy

We all know the popular song, Don’t Worry Be Happy.  When my own mother sang this song at a recent karaoke party, it took the song to a whole new level of positive! The essence of this song is the key to ending your anxieties, and finding your balance of happiness. Stop worrying over things you cannot control.  Control the things you can to the best of your abilities.  And then decide to be happy.  Have a joyous Saturday Night everyone.  Namaste.

A thought on Christmas.

Christmas is the time of year that everyone starts feeling overwhelmed and stressed out! Cookies to bake, cards to send, houses to decorate, shopping, parties, kids concerts….Whew! I am exhausted just thinking about it! My advice today is to stop! Christmas is being marketed to you as a consumer, and you do not have to buy into it! If you can do all of the things you feel you have to for Christmas, without feeling stressed, perfect. But if you are already anxious about it, let it go. Christmas will come and go whether you get everything you feel pressured to get done or not. And why not rethink Christmas? For me, the best part about Christmas is that my husband gets a week off because his work closes. And our kids are also off school. So, we get a whole week to spend together as a family. Our focus is on sharing this time with our family, eating, drinking and being merry! Let the stress of Christmas go, and just enjoy it. No one is judging you on your efforts this Christmas, so put some focus back on your family and friends. Namaste.