Why I love Sundays.

Oh Sunday! How do I love you? Let me count the ways.

Once we had children, “sleeping in” or reading a book on the weekend seemed to disappear. But we were missing it!  Thankfully, my cousin Julie taught me the value of sharing the weekend days with your spouse in order to garner some time to yourself.

Essentially, you take turns having a “sleep in” day.  When it is your sleep in day, you are allowed to stay in your bedroom until 10:30 or 11 without any interruptions to do as you please (sleep, read, do yoga).  The following day, it would be your responsibility to get up and take care of your home life.  Saturday is now Ryan’s sleep in day, and Sunday is mine.

Find more time for you.  You’re worth it.

Better a relationship in your life today!

Life gets so busy that we sometimes forget to take time to let the people we care about know how much they mean to us.  Make time today to show the people you love that you care about them, and are thinking about them.  Here are some ideas on how to let them know:

  • Send flowers and a meaningful card, or have flowers waiting for them when they come home (or bring them with you when you meet)
  • Send an e-card, or mail an actual card
  • Call them and tell them outright how you feel about them
  • Plan a date night
  • Cook their favorite dinner or dessert
  • Buy some rose petals and sprinkle them on the bed
  • Do something to make life easier for them, like washing their car or taking out the garbage / recycling
  • Put a note in their lunchbag, or on / under their pillow

It is amazing how good it feels to share with others.  And don’t forget about you! You should be the most important person in your life.  So be sure to do something nice for yourself today too.  Flowers are nice… Namaste.

Control what you think about.

Your mind is a powerful thing.  It will help you achieve, and get, the things you think about.  So you have got to think smart, think big, and think positive!

Do not focus on what you don’t have.  For example, you may be thinking “I do not have enough money!” or “I do not have enough time”.  Turn that thinking into “I am going to make more money!” and “I am going to make more time for me!”.

Also, do not complain to others about what you do not have.  Instead of “We are so tight on money right now, I just don’t know what to do!”, or “I just don’t have any time right now, I am so busy!”, try saying things out loud more like “I am going to really increase my cashflow this year!” and “I’ve been feeling really busy, but I have a plan to get everything I need in place to free up my time.”

Your mind hears everything that you say to yourself and to others, and it believes everything! At the subconscious level, you are creating your thoughts in your life.  Your mind will actively search out opportunities to create your thoughts, even when your thoughts are negative! So, create some positive thinking power!

And be careful what you wish for…or don’t be careful! Change your thinking and you can change your life.  Do not think about what you don’t want.  And don’t give control of your life away to others.  You are the driver.  So put your driving gloves on, and start thinking about your ideal life.    Start your engine and drive yourself to success! Namaste!

Together we are strong.

Last week, my oldest daughter Trinity came home from school with an interesting story.  It was cold outside, around -5 degrees celcius (23 degrees farenheit) and the fire alarm went off.  This was not a planned fired drill, so  everyone in the school was evacuated, from grade 1 to grade 8!

No one had jackets on, and some kids didn’t even have their shoes on! Trinity told me that they all had to share socks with a boy in their class who had no shoes on when the fire alarm went off.  Trinity is in grade 2, and she told me that lots of kids in her class were crying and were really scared.

So, what did this group do to survive and stay calm and warm? They huddled.  The grade 1’s class was the first to gather in the center, and then the grade 2’s surrounded them.  The grade 8’s were on the outside of the huddle, giving their strength and experience to the group.  Just the thought of this reminds me of how penguins survive the winter!

Imagining this group of students huddling together warmed my heart, and reminded me that together we can overcome anything.

As it turned out, the fire alarm was pulled by a grade 1 boy who will forever be remembered for it.  And Trinity was excited because she got to see the firemen (that’s my girl!), and her classmate got to give one of the fireman a high five.  There’s always a bright side if you keep things in perspective.  Namaste.

Know when to hold them.

Grab on to a little inspiration from Kenny Rogers…

You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
Know when to fold ’em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run

In life, there will always be opportunities, and situations, that arise.  You have got to assess things intelligently as they come up.  Emotions will get in the way of logic, and you need to be able to trust your gut, and the Universe, to know what to do next.  So, how will you know what to do in a given situation, or what to do when an opportunity is presented? First, seek out as much information as you possibly can.  If the information you need comes to you easily, then you are likely on the right path.  Use the information to help you make a good decision.  Ask others with the right experience, and learn as much as you can.  If you are taking actions, and having trouble getting ahead with an opportunity, don’t fight it.  There will be times when no matter what you do, doors keep getting slammed in your face.  This is the Universe’s way of telling you to move on.  Try something different.  For whatever reason, it is not meant to be.  You have got to let go of the emotional attachment that you have with the opportunity, or situation, and give something else a go.  When it is right, things will seem too easy and things will happen smoothly.  You will feel calm and happy and peaceful.  Hold onto those opportunities.  And run, don’t walk, away from situations that you know are not healthy, or that appear to be the wrong path for you.

Hindsight is always 20/20.  Don’t look back and say “I should have known sooner”.  Listen to yourself, look for signs from the Universe, use your intuition and you will be much more confident in your decisions.  Namaste.

My 100th Blog Post!

Success Law: Celebrate the Small Victories

Celebrate the little things in life as they come along. All the little victories add up to create the Big Goal that you are working towards, so get excited about the small stuff. Today, I am celebrating my 100th Blog Post on the Be That Girl website. Wow! How time flies when you are having fun. Today will also go down as the day that I finished my premiere book, Be That Girl! It will be available for sale on January 23, 2012.

How exciting to see a plan come together. Last March, I thought about writing Be That Girl. I registered my website domain, and learned to create my own website. I started writing down ideas in my notebook, and then I started typing. Any free time I had, I allocated to writing Be That Girl. I wrote on airplanes, in airports, in the car (while Ryan was driving),in coffee shops and pubs, and at home. I partnered with an incredible editor and a great manager, and then decided on a release date for the book.

Having a deadline on this project made it easy to plan when everything needed to be completed. I just looked at the deadline and worked backwards to create smaller deadlines for all of the pieces that would need to be completed in order to meet the deadline. I had a plan, and I worked the plan. And I am going to continue working it!

Go team Be That Girl! I am proud and excited, and I cannot wait to hold the completed book in my hands.

Always stay focused on the goal. Keep it clear in your mind. The more clearly you can see the goal in your head, the easier it will be to create it today. Do not get distracted. Stay focused. Put in the effort. And voila…you can do anything.

Have an incredible Saturday. Namaste.

Cheers to 2012!

Ringing in the New Year this year, I was struck by how profound it was to actually celebrate the start of something new. The excitement that built as we anticipated the arrival of midnight was intense and exciting. Everyone got ready and made sure they were close to the person they wanted to kiss or hug once New Year hit. We were so excited, we started our countdown at 30. By the time we hit “Happy New Year!” the volume in the room was high!

As I went around the room to collect my New Year hugs, I realized something. New Year’s is the perfect time to replenish energy through hugging! You can really get in a lot of hugs all at once, and it feels amazing. The entire room was filled with a buzz of excitement, energy and emotion. You could feel all of the optimism, wonder, and mystery as we welcomed in a new year filled with unknowns, mixed with the many feelings we all had of saying goodbye to another year.

Being surrounded entirely by family and friends in one room was like the icing on the cake of this last year. And a perfect way to start out a fresh new year.

The year of 2012. A year of change. A new start. A clean slate. This is your year. Namaste.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”

Make your body a priority by feeding it healthy food and lots of water. Give yourself 7-9 hours of sleep a day. Add some activity to your life. Having a healthy body that is strong and rested will ensure that you feel calm, relaxed and happy. Boost your confidence by maintaining a healthy body. Namaste.

A little Fleetwood.

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow, don’t stop, it’ll soon be here…it will be better than before…yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone! Ooooooooh, don’t you look back” -Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac has always made me think fondly of my parents and our ’70s style brown and orange furniture. I catch myself often singing the above portion of their lyrics and I am inspired by this song.

Letting go of the past and understanding that the past is “gone” will help you live a happier present day life. Don’t look back, look ahead. Focus on your future today. You have the power to create whatever future that you see for yourself. So, dream big and have complete faith that your future will be even more amazing than today. Your future starts tomorrow. Look forward to it. Namaste.