It is almost that time of year again. Be prepared for Christmas this year, and start something small today. Make a list of all of the people that you will want to buy gifts for. If you can think of any ideas for gifts, write them beside that person’s name. Don’t worry about gift ideas if you don’t have them right now, just the names are important. This task should only take 5 minutes, but it will do a lot to get you in the right frame of mind. Writing things down really has an amazing impact, and suddenly the right gifts for the right people will start showing up for you as if by magic. Be ready to be prepared this year! Namaste.
Tag: success quotation
Imagine that.
Dr. Seuss
Be That Boss!
You are your own boss. So, it’s time to start giving yourself the correct orders and then start listening to yourself. Now tell yourself that you are successful, positive and happy. Follow your own orders! Start bossing yourself around in all the right ways! Namaste.
Have faith in yourself.
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”
Audrey Hepburn
Working Wednesday
Looking for a change but not sure what you want? Take action in a few different areas, and then let the Universe bring you the right things! Start looking at career ads, check into gym memberships or exercise classes, look for education classes in your area, search the internet for interesting things. Always be on the lookout for relevant information and signs from the Universe. You have already been given, or will be given, everything you need to succeed. But you have to be looking for it to find it! Put your internal radar out there, and you will be AMAZED at what you find. Happy hunting! 🙂
It’s Saturday. Take time to visit a bookstore today and use your intuition to buy, or just research, some new books. Just walk around the store and look at things with your perceptive eyes. Pick up books and look through them. There is information in those books that you need to succeed, and subconsciously you already know where that information is. Allow yourself to find that information by using your gut. I cannot wait to hear what answers are revealed to you! Send me your comments after you complete this exercise! 🙂
Thursday Tip
Are you always rushing in the morning? Do you find you just never have enough time for breakfast, or anything else in the morning? You need to get up earlier! Set your alarm for 1 hour earlier than it is set for now. Get up when the alarm goes off, and get ready to go! You will feel an incredible sense of calmness when you add this time, and it will start your day off positively. You will have time for breakfast, reading your book, sneaking in some exercise (running or yoga), or catching up on emails. You may need to adjust your bedtime a little so that you are still getting adequate sleep, but your body will adjust within 2 days! Enjoy the quiet of your house before everyone else gets up, and revel in the magic of the sunrise every morning. Namaste!
Tuesday Tip
Ahhhh, Tuesday. Another one of my favorite days. On the weekend, I was reminded by my mother, Janet Legere, to have an “attitude of gratitude”. There is always something we can be thankful for! Tomorrow morning when you wake up, think of at least 1 thing you are grateful or thankful for. It can be anything! “I am thankful that I have clean underwear to put on today”, “I am thankful to have running, hot water!”, “I am thankful that I woke up this morning!”, “I am grateful for my new shoes!”. I know you can come up with 1 thing (even if you wake up in a funk!), but I would challenge you to come up with 5 things! Being thankful for things in your life will put a smile on your face and a warmness in your heart. And the Universe will respond positively, so be ready! Have an abundant day!