
When you forgive someone for a wrongdoing, you set yourself free of the negative feelings associated with the act.  Just let it go, move on, and learn.  Forgiving is not accepting that what was done was correct.  It is releasing yourself from those emotions, and it will allow you to move forward in your own life.  You are what matters, so take care of you at all times.  Forgive Best books on self help, organizational book, books of motivation, books on change, success lawsfor yourself.  Namaste.

Spend it wisely.

“Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.”
Adam Hochschild

When you do have time off, be careful how you spend it.  You cannot get the time that passes back, and you do not want to regret anything.  Focus on the things in your life that you care about most, and give those things as much time as you can by scheduling them first.  And do your best to not get distracted.  Do something fun today… it is Friday!  Namaste.

It’s your choice.

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”
Wayne Dyer
Sometimes things don’t go the way you planned.  Don’t feel sorry for yourself.  And don’t expect others to feel sorry for you either.  Instead, choose to grab life by the horns and get back on the saddle for another ride! Take back the control that you almost gave away, and deal with the situation in the most positive way possible…take action.  Accept the reality of the situation, and figure out what to do next.  Start with changing your thinking…life goes on and it is really not that bad.  Have faith that there is a rainbow around the next corner and the gold is there waiting for you if you can just choose to get there.  Namaste.


When you encounter an obstacle in your life while you are pursuing something, don’t freak out.  The obstacle is not the end of your pursuit.  It is there for a reason.  Don’t give up.  Be more creative about getting around the obstacle.  Ask more questions, and have faith.  The Universe always provides exactly what you need, at exactly the right time.  Namaste.

“You’re never fully dressed…”

From the musical Annie.

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”

“It’s what you wear from ear to ear,  and not from head to toe (that matters). ”

Make sure you put your smile on with your clothes today!

Happy Monday.  Namaste!

It’s up to you.

Take full responsibility for where you are in your life.  Do not blame others.  You are in control of your destiny.   Accept the responsibility for where you are now and then embrace with all your heart and soul the knowledge that you have the power change it.

Working Wednesday

Looking for a change but not sure what you want? Take action in a few different areas, and then let the Universe bring you the right things! Start looking at career ads, check into gym memberships or exercise classes, look for education classes in your area, search the internet for interesting things.  Always be on the lookout for relevant information and signs from the Universe.  You have already been given, or will be given, everything you need to succeed.  But you have to be looking for it to find it! Put your internal radar out there, and you will be AMAZED at what you find.  Happy hunting! 🙂

Tuesday Tip

Ahhhh, Tuesday.  Another one of my favorite days.  On the weekend, I was reminded by my mother, Janet Legere,  to have an “attitude of gratitude”.   There is always something we can be thankful for!  Tomorrow morning when you wake up, think of at least 1 thing you are grateful or thankful for.  It can be anything! “I am thankful that I have clean underwear to put on today”, “I am thankful to have running, hot water!”, “I am thankful that I woke up this morning!”, “I am grateful for my new shoes!”.  I know you can come up with 1 thing (even if you wake up in a funk!), but I would challenge you to come up with 5 things! Being thankful for things in your life will put a smile on your face and a warmness in your heart.  And the Universe will respond positively, so be ready! Have an abundant day!