Value your network.

Do not underestimate how important your network is in your life.  Ensure that you maintain every relationship in your life, no matter how small, or infrequent your interactions are.  Keep your relationships positive and upbeat, and never leave things negative if it can be helped.

You never know when you will need someone to help you out, or when they will need your help.  It really doesn’t take long to connect with people.  A quick phone call or email will keep you in the forefront of people’s minds, and you never know what they will have to tell you when you do check in! You do not need a reason to check in with your network.  All you need to say is that you wanted to touch base with them and see how everything is going.  Is there anything you can do for them currently? Are they doing well, and prospering? How is their family? Reach out to as many people as you can every day.  Your network is the key to reaching your goals, and the information and assistance that you need is already waiting for you in your network.  You just need to start searching for it! Ask questions, provide information, and be generally compassionate and interested.  You will find what you need quickly, and it will seem like magic.

Start using your powers today to get everything you need.  Rock your network!

Success Law: Think Big, Focus Small

Success Law:Think Big, Focus Small.

In order to be successful, you need to start getting results in all areas of your life. The results do not have to be big, they just have to be there consistently. Break down your large goals into smaller chunks or pieces. They will need to be small enough to be accomplished in a day, or in a week. Then take action everyday towards accomplishing those small goals. If you are consistent, and you are taking the right actions, you will start seeing results. Reward yourself when you accomplish something small, because all of the little results will add together to get to the big goal. Think big and then focus small. You CAN do anything. Namaste.

My 100th Blog Post!

Success Law: Celebrate the Small Victories

Celebrate the little things in life as they come along. All the little victories add up to create the Big Goal that you are working towards, so get excited about the small stuff. Today, I am celebrating my 100th Blog Post on the Be That Girl website. Wow! How time flies when you are having fun. Today will also go down as the day that I finished my premiere book, Be That Girl! It will be available for sale on January 23, 2012.

How exciting to see a plan come together. Last March, I thought about writing Be That Girl. I registered my website domain, and learned to create my own website. I started writing down ideas in my notebook, and then I started typing. Any free time I had, I allocated to writing Be That Girl. I wrote on airplanes, in airports, in the car (while Ryan was driving),in coffee shops and pubs, and at home. I partnered with an incredible editor and a great manager, and then decided on a release date for the book.

Having a deadline on this project made it easy to plan when everything needed to be completed. I just looked at the deadline and worked backwards to create smaller deadlines for all of the pieces that would need to be completed in order to meet the deadline. I had a plan, and I worked the plan. And I am going to continue working it!

Go team Be That Girl! I am proud and excited, and I cannot wait to hold the completed book in my hands.

Always stay focused on the goal. Keep it clear in your mind. The more clearly you can see the goal in your head, the easier it will be to create it today. Do not get distracted. Stay focused. Put in the effort. And voila…you can do anything.

Have an incredible Saturday. Namaste.

Go Team!

Success Law: Form Teams Everywhere!

You were never meant to be alone in what you do. Life is much more fun and more rewarding when you have someone to share it with, professionally and personally. You will get farther much faster if you have amazing teams in place in all areas of your life.

Seek out people to share your life with who inspire you, and who complement your strengths and weaknesses. You do not have to be good at everything, so find people to partner with who have the qualities that are required.

Having a good partner, good friends, amazing support systems, close family, cohesive, smart work colleagues, as well as a great network of contacts is essential to a successful and happy life.

Think about forming teams in your life…from your family to your work colleagues. Think Big and think Together. Work toward similar goals with your teams and you will start achieving success sooner than you could ever have imagined.

Go Team O’Connor! Go Team On the Rocks! Go Team Tina and Ryan! Go Team Be That Girl!

What teams are you rooting for in your life? Start cheering them on today. Namaste.

If you want it.

“If you want it, here it is, come and get it. But you better hurry ’cause it’s going fast”. -The Beatles

You know what you want, and it is there waiting for you. Don’t make it wait too long. Go get it NOW. Namaste.

Happy Holidays from Be That Books.

On Reorganizing.

assumed that I must have left it somewhere last winter. I was sad.

Around the same time, I added to my to-do list to do all my filing and reorganize my office space as soon as some time came available. I had been putting off that project for too long, and I was not really looking forward to it, but I knew it had to be done. (unfinished projects are in your subconscious mind and they can stress you out even when you are not consciously thinking about them!)

In order to get our Year End completed for our businesses, our accountant required several items to be sent to her yesterday, so I was forced to re-prioritize my schedule and get the filing and clutter cleansing done. I was rather annoyed that I was being forced to do this task when I had lots of other things I would rather be doing!

In keeping with my clutter rules, I pulled everything out of my desk for assessment. And guess what? I found my favorite black hat! My filing is now complete and my desk area is clutter free and looks beautiful. And my year end is complete. Now that’s what I call a good day.

The Universe works in mysterious ways alright. I simply had to take action to find my hat, and put it out there that I wanted it! Then I wrote down the office task and the Universe assisted me in scheduling this task when it was required. And voila, my hat is returned to my head!

I love and trust the Universe. Namaste.


A perfect partnership is one where two people are willing to put in the same amount of effort towards achieving a defined goal.  Plan together and then work hard towards achieving that goal and you will succeed… together.  Namaste.


When you encounter an obstacle in your life while you are pursuing something, don’t freak out.  The obstacle is not the end of your pursuit.  It is there for a reason.  Don’t give up.  Be more creative about getting around the obstacle.  Ask more questions, and have faith.  The Universe always provides exactly what you need, at exactly the right time.  Namaste.

The Pursuit.

“Everyone needs a certain amount of money. Beyond that, we pursue money because we know how to obtain it. We don’t necessarily know how to obtain happiness.”
Gregg Easterbrook


Be Inspired.

Find people, books, and other things that inspire you.  Search out people who are doing what you would like to be doing, and allow them to “light a fire” in you.  You don’t have to do it alone.  The road to success can be traveled faster, and more enjoyably, with the right people in your life.   Open yourself up to some inspiration today.  Namaste.