Not Just Another Manic Monday

Good Morning! Want to start your Monday off smoothly, instead of Manically? You have to start planning for Monday on Sunday! On Sunday, write a list of things you will want / need to get done on Monday. Then, do as much prep work for Monday on Sunday. Prepare lunches, pick out clothes, get coffee / tea ready to go, tidy up, put things in the car you will need for Monday. You will sleep so much better on Sunday night! Then on Monday morning, make sure you get up early enough to NOT FEEL RUSHED. Mondays just got a whole lot better. Namaste!

A little less talk, a lot more action!

Talking about doing things creates thoughts.  Taking action produces results.  If you want to exact change in your life, take action! Don’t just talk about it… do it, do it, do it! Don’t like your job? Start looking for other options.  Want to lose weight? Start looking for tools to get you going.  Want to move, or travel? Take action, and start doing research! The more things you have on the go, the more likely that one of them will be your ticket to the results you want.  So go ahead and start doing now!

Dreamy Thursday

You’ve got to have a dream, and you’ve got to dream BIG!

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.”
Dr. Seuss

Working Wednesday

Looking for a change but not sure what you want? Take action in a few different areas, and then let the Universe bring you the right things! Start looking at career ads, check into gym memberships or exercise classes, look for education classes in your area, search the internet for interesting things.  Always be on the lookout for relevant information and signs from the Universe.  You have already been given, or will be given, everything you need to succeed.  But you have to be looking for it to find it! Put your internal radar out there, and you will be AMAZED at what you find.  Happy hunting! 🙂


It’s Saturday.  Take time to visit a bookstore today and use your intuition to buy, or just research, some new books.  Just walk around the store and look at things with your perceptive eyes.  Pick up books and look through them.  There is information in those books that  you need to succeed, and subconsciously you already know where that information is.   Allow yourself to find that information by using your gut.  I cannot wait to hear what answers are revealed to you! Send me your comments after you complete this exercise! 🙂

Tuesday Tip

Ahhhh, Tuesday.  Another one of my favorite days.  On the weekend, I was reminded by my mother, Janet Legere,  to have an “attitude of gratitude”.   There is always something we can be thankful for!  Tomorrow morning when you wake up, think of at least 1 thing you are grateful or thankful for.  It can be anything! “I am thankful that I have clean underwear to put on today”, “I am thankful to have running, hot water!”, “I am thankful that I woke up this morning!”, “I am grateful for my new shoes!”.  I know you can come up with 1 thing (even if you wake up in a funk!), but I would challenge you to come up with 5 things! Being thankful for things in your life will put a smile on your face and a warmness in your heart.  And the Universe will respond positively, so be ready! Have an abundant day!

Be That Girl

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Take Action to Change your life now! Whether you are a stay at home mom, a wife, a single girl, a grandma, a great grandma, an employee, a boss, a business owner, or a combination of all of the above, you can Be That Girl!

Sexy. Sophisticated. Motivated. Organized. Powerful. Successful. Calm.  You can have it all….or at least whatever you want! This program will give you Big Ideas that are Simple to start today.  Your life will improve immediately!
Be That Girl is an innovative book that doubles as a mentoring course. It will teach you how to realize all of your strengths, use them in a positive way, and end up creating everything you could want in your life!


Be That Girl will help you

  • Find more time to spend with your family (kids, parents, aunts & uncles)
  • Find more time for you! (Oh, yeah, facials, pedicures, yoga, cleaning :), hiking, you name it!)
  • Be less stressed
  • Create healthy, easy meals without ripping your hair out!
  • Be energized
  • Feel Sexier
  • Lose Weight
  • Feel more fulfilled in your life
  • Be organized and prepared
  • Be on time
  • Start your own business
  • Effectively manage your children
  • Effectively manage your household
  • Work Less
  • Earn more money

Watch for these other great titles Coming Soon