Do what you need to do.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
Thomas A. Edison

Sometimes you have to do things that you do not love to get to where you want to be.  Change your thinking about what you do, and you will start enjoying the process.

And remember, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.  Effort = Results.  Namaste.

Success Secrets. Part 1.

Know what you want.  Those of you who have done my Planet Do-it Chapter/Seminar will have a good idea of what you really want.  If you do not know what you want, for now just think of something that you’ve always wanted to do but have restricted yourself in some way.  (I don’t have enough schooling, money, time, courage to do that).  The more ridiculous your goal appears to be to you, the better.  Write that thing down.

Next Step.

Be on the lookout for opportunities.  The Universe will always give you what you need, and what you have asked for, but it may not be packaged up the way you thought.  So be aware of everything going on around you.  Ask lots of questions, and listen carefully.



Make to do lists. And do them.

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”
Bruce Lee

Make time in your life by being more efficient.  Make your “to do” lists the night before so that your brain can subconsciously work on getting it all done while you are sleeping. You will sleep better knowing what to expect from your day, and you will wake up feeling ready to take on the world! Your “to do” list should be detailed and include everything that will need to be done for the one day. Schedule your time everyday, and be sure to include work, personal, school and family stuff all on one calendar that you can keep with you at all times.  Use a daily calendar that has time slots on it so that you can see just how much time you have to get things done.   There is only so much time in the day, so make good use of every minute.  Be sure to schedule in some time just for you… you deserve it.

Plan to do things, and then do them.  This is the secret to success.  Namaste.


Get Christmas Started.

It is almost that time of year again.  Be prepared for Christmas this year, and start something small today.  Make a list of all of the people that you will want to buy gifts for.  If you can think of any ideas for gifts, write them beside that person’s name.  Don’t worry about gift ideas if you don’t have them right now, just the names are important.  This task should only take 5 minutes, but it will do a lot to get you in the right frame of mind.  Writing things down really has an amazing impact, and suddenly the right gifts for the right people will start showing up for you as if by magic.  Be ready to be prepared this year! Namaste.


Effort and action produce results.  Motivation and desire inspire efforts and actions.

Look at your life.  You will notice that you are seeing results in the areas that you are putting the most effort into.  Not getting the results you want? Ask yourself if you are truly putting in the effort.  Then ask yourself if you truly want to get results in that area.    If you are motivated, you will put in the effort.  So, why are you not motivated to get the results you think you want? What is holding back?

You are the only one holding you back.  You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Break the walls down and tell yourself that you CAN do it.

Figure out what you really want, and what really motivates you.  This is the key.  Everything else will fall into place once you have that straight in your own mind.

Motivation.  Effort.  Results.



Garden your Friendships

Do something nice for a friend today.

“A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often – just to save it from drying out completely.” Pam Brown

Give recognition where it’s due.

Make sure you tell the people in your life that you appreciate everything they do.  People do not just innately know that you are grateful for what they do, so you need to tell them!  Recognize the people who go above and beyond for you by saying “Thank You”.  Flowers, cards, and wine are great things to send to people, but the most important part is that you are taking the time to say “wow, you do so much around here, and I really notice it, and appreciate it”.  Put a smile on someone’s face today just by acknowledging what they do.  Namaste.

Safe Saturday

Protect yourself with your mind. Imagine that you have an invisible shield. Now put it on yourself, and zip it up. Get your family to do the same. Now imagine that you also have a large imaginary shield that covers your entire home, and property. Zip it up and lock it down. Now enjoy that “safe” feeling! 🙂