A thought on Christmas.

Christmas is the time of year that everyone starts feeling overwhelmed and stressed out! Cookies to bake, cards to send, houses to decorate, shopping, parties, kids concerts….Whew! I am exhausted just thinking about it! My advice today is to stop! Christmas is being marketed to you as a consumer, and you do not have to buy into it! If you can do all of the things you feel you have to for Christmas, without feeling stressed, perfect. But if you are already anxious about it, let it go. Christmas will come and go whether you get everything you feel pressured to get done or not. And why not rethink Christmas? For me, the best part about Christmas is that my husband gets a week off because his work closes. And our kids are also off school. So, we get a whole week to spend together as a family. Our focus is on sharing this time with our family, eating, drinking and being merry! Let the stress of Christmas go, and just enjoy it. No one is judging you on your efforts this Christmas, so put some focus back on your family and friends. Namaste.

Don’t do too much.

Feeling stressed and overworked? Not able to take a sick day? Assess what you are doing with your time.  You may have to let something go.  You do not have to do it all, you just have to do what you need to get the results you want.  And if what you are doing causes more stress for you than the benefits, let it go.  Namaste.

Learn it.

Are there things to do around your home that you never have to do, and that you do not know how to do, because you are fortunate enough to have someone do it for you? If you are relying on someone else to take care of things for you, a day may come where you are going to be stuck doing it, and you won’t know how! Be proactive in your life and ensure that you can take care of things yourself.  Granted, you will always have support in your life, but you need to be able to care of yourself and your family on your own as the need arises.  So, if you have a snow blower that you do not know how to use, ask to learn today! If you don’t know how to check the oil in your car, or how to change a tire, learn to do it now! If you’ve never set up the Christmas Tree by yourself, do it today so you can learn.  If you have no idea how to do laundry or how to iron or how to sew, it’s time to learn.  Ask the person who always does these things to show you how.  It is much easier to learn something from the expert in your house than when you are alone and a need arises!  And remember, you CAN do it.  There are always going to be things in our life that we don’t want to do, but have to do,  so we need to know how to do them.  Have an educational day!  Namaste.

Sing your way through life.

“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.”
Lao Tzu

There is a song for every moment in your life.  And sometimes, it just feels good to sing your song.

When I need to rock it out… Metallica One.

When I need a pick me up, or am singing Karaoke… I’m Yours, Jason Mraz.

When I’m hauling booze… any top 20 with big base, played loud.

When I just need to feel more emotion… Adele, Someone Like You.

Figure out what songs really motivate you and make you feel good.  Play more of those.  And sing along.  The Universe will hear you.  Namaste.


Success Secrets. Part 1.

Know what you want.  Those of you who have done my Planet Do-it Chapter/Seminar will have a good idea of what you really want.  If you do not know what you want, for now just think of something that you’ve always wanted to do but have restricted yourself in some way.  (I don’t have enough schooling, money, time, courage to do that).  The more ridiculous your goal appears to be to you, the better.  Write that thing down.

Next Step.

Be on the lookout for opportunities.  The Universe will always give you what you need, and what you have asked for, but it may not be packaged up the way you thought.  So be aware of everything going on around you.  Ask lots of questions, and listen carefully.



Love Yourself!

Here is my daughter Trinity.  She made this shirt the other morning for herself, and then proceeded to wear it for 3 days straight!

She is demonstrating here that you are never too young, or too old, to start loving yourself.  It seems easier to love yourself when you are young, and you have not had the experience of messing up or making mistakes in your life.  No matter what your experience, or your hardships, today is a new day.  The past is just that… past, gone, done.  Today is a new day, so start today with loving every piece of yourself.  Forgive yourself and open yourself up to the love that you have already inside of you.

So start proclaiming “I am the Best!” everyday. Because you are.  You deserve to love yourself and you are worth it.  Namaste!

Don’t be afraid to ask.

Think you deserve a raise? Wanting that promotion? Want more help around the house? Need a break from the kids?

Go ahead and ask for it! Do not be afraid.  When you ask, ensure that your are prepared.  Write down on a piece of paper what you plan to say, and then practice it.  Think of all of the possible outcomes, and how you might respond.

No matter what response you get, asking is the important part.  Asking is action, and action produces results.  You may get ‘no’ as an answer, but do not be discouraged.  You have made yourself think, and you have gotten someone else to think about you in a different way also.

The Universe works in mysterious ways, so be accepting of the outcome and just keep the action going!


Help Others to Help You.

When you teach someone else, it actually helps you to learn the skill at a deeper level.  Take what you have learned from books and courses and apply it in your life by teaching it to someone else.   If you are teaching people amazing things, you are going to help them out immensely.  You will also be helping yourself to grow and develop more.  Knowing you have helped someone  will make your heart swell with joy.  That is what it’s all about.  Namaste!