Don’t chase money.

Look deep inside yourself and figure out what you love to do. Then find ways to do more of what you love. Make career choices based on your passion, and do not worry about the money. If you chase your passion, all the money you need will follow… and you will feel amazing. Often we choose to do things because of the resulting monetary rewards, not because we enjoy the activity. Remember that there is more to life than money, and you will be able to create more of everything you want if you are excited about what you are doing with your time. Joy, and money, can be found in loving what you do.

You have full control, and you can be doing what you love today! Trust the Universe. And trust in your own abilities. You’ve got skills to pay the bills, but it’s your passion that will make you millions. Namaste.

Make Decisions.

In order to make things happen in your life, you must be able to make decisions. You must take on the responsibility, gather the relevant information, listen to your own intuition, and then make a decision. 
Making a decision holds you responsible for the outcome, which can be scary. Remember that fear feels the same as excitement in your belly, so embrace that feeling, and do not allow it to hold you back. Accept the responsibility and get excited about the potential results.
You can find any information you need to help you make informed choices, but you must be looking for it. Do your research and then compile the results.
Combine the information you have gathered with your own incredible instincts to help you make the right decisions at the right times.
You are presented with opportunities and choices daily, and decisions will need to be made or you will not see progress.   Successful people make decisions consistently, and they learn from each outcome how to make better decisions in the future.
Take control and do not be afraid. Start making life changing decisions today!  Namaste.

Flip a switch.

Your mind is a powerful computer. When you give your mind the right input, it will, in turn, produce the right output. On the flip side, when you put garbage into your mind, you will get garbage out. Just what you would expect from a computer.
For most of my life, I had been telling myself, and anyone else who cared to listen, that I could never write a book. I really, honestly believed that I couldn’t. About a year and a half ago, I was inspired by a powerful book to look at my life a little differently.  Actually, it made me look at myself a little differently.
I remember distinctly the day that I flipped a switch in my mind. It started with a simple question to myself. “Could I write a book?”
The day that I allowed myself to believe that it was possible, the floodgates of my mind opened up and a stir of excitement started to grow in my belly.
Today, I hold my book in my hands with great joy, and I love to inspire others with it. I have proven that I am capable of anything I put my mind to. What will I think of next? A plan to take over the world?
You are also capable of anything, but you must first believe it is possible. Once you know that you can, you can! That is the secret.
So, flip a switch in your mind today and start getting more of everything out of your life. Namaste!



It’s Sunday, a typical day of rest, reflection and worship in a lot of cultures. No matter what your religious background is, today I want to remind you that

“you gotta have faith…oooh you gotta have faith. You just gotta have faith, faith, faith….”

-George Michael

I awoke to this song the other morning on my clock radio. That same day at  school while volunteering with my daughter, I was cleaning up after an activity and there was a sticker affixed to the paper tower rack. It simply said “Faith”. I had to take a picture of it!

What is faith? Defined per the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Faith is a”firm belief in something for which there is no proof.”

So today, have faith in the universe and its ability to provide for you. Have faith in your wildest dreams, and faith in your ability to create everything you want and need in your life. Have faith that no matter what, everything is going to be all right. Have faith, even when there is no proof! If you believe in something, you make it real.  Namaste.

Dream Big and Plan for Reality.

Having dreams and then chasing them is the ultimate feeling. Dreaming big keeps you motivated and forces you to keep going. Visualizing your success is a huge part of getting you there. You have got to see it to believe it and then achieve it.

Until you achieve all your wildest dreams, you do need to plan for what you have right now, and also plan for what you will need in the future. This means having a budget in place to keep you on track.  Do you know how much your monthly income is in relation to your monthly expenses? Do you plan to save portions of your money in order to pay for upcoming dreams, like vacations or vehicles?  Are you falling short every month and not sure why?

The only way you will be able to realistically achieve your goals is to know what you are starting off with, and then plan for what you need. Implement a personal monthly budget, and then be sure to stick to it.  You have got to hold yourself accountable to your budget in order to see the results.  Check out the Personal Budget Worksheet available on my website to assist you with this process. Reassess your budget monthly to ensure that you stay on track.

There are always ways to increase income or reduce expenses in order to achieve what you need. Plan for what you want, and then try to be a little patient while the Universe shifts things around to accommodate your wishes. (Patience is something I am still trying to wrap my head around. I want it all and I want it now!)

Make real plans today to achieve your dreams. Reduce stress and build confidence by managing your cash flow.  Happy budgeting!

How can I become a millionaire? Get going!

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”

-Joseph P. Kennedy, Father of President John F. Kennedy

When things get tough in your life, you need to get going and start creating change. You must be strong to conquer everything life is going to throw at you, and you need to take each challenge on as an opportunity to create better things in your life.  Your faith in the Universe may dwindle in tough times, and you may want to give up all your efforts.  Take the high road instead and start increasing your efforts.  Take the first steps toward making things better, and reset your path in your own mind.  Do not just keep doing things that are not working.


You are powerful, strong and amazing. You have the power to create everything you could every want in your life.  So when the going gets tough, dig deep down inside and get the strength to amp up your efforts. Don’t let a little bump in the road get your down… regain control and fuel your fire with new and different efforts.  Namaste!

Have you read “Be That Girl” yet? It is one of the best books on self help, designed to help you get everything you could want out of life, whatever that is for you. Get your copy online now!

Use the Universe.

Always seek out Books on Motivation to help you with stress. There will be times when you will feel overwhelmed, and you may wonder how you are possibly going to accomplish everything that you want to accomplish in your life, or even in your day. When you feel this way, you need to know that you are not alone in achieving your dreams. The Universe is waiting to help you, but it needs you to provide guidance. You need to be true to yourself about your dreams, and about the results you want to see in your life. Keep a journal and consistently write things down. This is one way to connect with the Universe about your desires and feelings. Writing things down solidifies them in your own mind, and gets you working on things at a subconscious level. It’s like taking action in your sleep! You will be amazed at what the Universe will do for you when you are willing to put yourself out there. Opportunities will start showing up from every angle, and you will find yourself spending time assessing these opportunities instead of worrying about how you are going to get it all done.

And when opportunities are presented to you, be sure to say thank you to the Universe in whatever way feels good to you. Giving thanks, and appreciating the small things that happen, will ensure that more is sent your way. So chase all your dreams, even if they seem scary and unachievable. You don’t have to do it alone. Namaste.

Home again.

At the end of any vacation,  you may feel sad about your return to “real life”.  If this is the case, you need to rethink your “real life”!

It’s time to get excited about your everyday by making sure you are doing things you love.  Follow your passion every day in everything you do, and let go of the things that bring you stress but do not give you results.

Don’t know what your passions are anymore? Time to think about it for real.  in my book, Be That Girl, I walk you through writing a 5 year plan based on what you really want out of life.  Can’t wait for your copy of the book? Sign up for my e-newsletter at and receive a free video on changing your life today.

Chase your dreams everyday and soon your dreams will be reality.  Namaste.


Get Connected.

The other day I stopped at the corner grocery store to get some deli meat and cheese.  While I was waiting for them to prepare my sandwich fare, I grabbed a cold beer and put it on the counter.  A gentleman came up to buy his items and my beer sort of got mixed in with his stuff.  I quickly grabbed the beer and said
“oh, the beer is mine”.  This sweet man says “Oh, I’ll buy that beer for you, don’t worry about it!”

How kind is that? He was from London, Ontario and we ended up having a good ‘ole chat about what we do with ourselves when we are not on vacation.  Turns out he owns nursing homes in Ontario, and he had valuable information for me on a little project that I have been mulling around in my head.  And he is so excited to read “Be That Girl!”.  I am taking a copy to him today.  In less than 5 minutes, we shared a tonne of information with each other and I thoroughly enjoyed waiting for my lunchmeat.

Every person you meet has information for you, or you have information for them.  You have got to be daring enough to talk to strangers, in spite of what our parents taught us as children.  It still amazes me how quickly my children make connections with other children.  Kids are like magnets to each other and it is as if they know innately that if they hang out together the fun will be multiplied.  Yesterday, we met a family with 3 girls also at the beach.  The connection between those girls and my girls was instantaneous, and meeting them ended up being a highlight of my girls day.  I have included a picture of the little darlings.

Us adults could really learn from this.  We need to get out there and start talking to new people.  Get connected, get information, share information, and reap the rewards that your network will give you.

Today, I am on a mission to pay my free beer forward to someone new.  I wonder who I will meet, and what I will learn.  How exciting!

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Reward Yourself

You work hard everyday, so make sure you reward yourself often with small things, and occasionally with larger things. Give yourself small rewards on a weekly basis at minimum. Daily would be a interesting goal. Reward yourself in BIG ways at least once per year.

Small rewards can be things like:

  • a bath with some aroma therapy and a locked door
  • a dark chocolate bar, a bottle of wine and your favorite book for an hour (or more…)
  • a yoga class
  • a sporting event
  • coffee with a friend
  • buying yourself a new plant, or some flowers
  • 5 minutes of meditation

Big Rewards are things like:

  • Trips or Vacations
  • Shopping for Shoes, Clothes, Purses
  • An item you’ve been wanting for a while… hot tub, lamborghini, motorbike,  house
  • Spa Weekend

You put in effort everyday in your life, and you deserve to be rewarded for those efforts.  If you take responsibility for rewarding yourself when you have done good things, you will build confidence in yourself and you will not need to look externally for rewards.  This will improve your outlook on everything, and when you have something to look forward to, you will be more motivated to put the effort in.  And the more effort you put in, the more you will be able to reward yourself.  Cool, huh?

Have a wonderful day.  Namaste.