Friendship is a gift!

You can never be sure what the Universe will send your way, but one thing you can count on is that the Universe will send you exactly what you need, when you need it.

Interestingly, my book release party this weekend brought back into my life some people that I have missed dearly, and who I obviously need in my life right now. It also brought me in contact with some amazing new people.

True friendship is a gift that makes your heart swell to a size larger than it was before. A true friend adores you no matter what.   And although time may pass where a friend is not in your life, when that friend returns to your life, it is as if they were never gone.   I want to take this opportunity to welcome back to my life some true friends!

Have faith that the Universe will provide for you, and it will.  Have an amazing day!

Cheers to 2012!

Ringing in the New Year this year, I was struck by how profound it was to actually celebrate the start of something new. The excitement that built as we anticipated the arrival of midnight was intense and exciting. Everyone got ready and made sure they were close to the person they wanted to kiss or hug once New Year hit. We were so excited, we started our countdown at 30. By the time we hit “Happy New Year!” the volume in the room was high!

As I went around the room to collect my New Year hugs, I realized something. New Year’s is the perfect time to replenish energy through hugging! You can really get in a lot of hugs all at once, and it feels amazing. The entire room was filled with a buzz of excitement, energy and emotion. You could feel all of the optimism, wonder, and mystery as we welcomed in a new year filled with unknowns, mixed with the many feelings we all had of saying goodbye to another year.

Being surrounded entirely by family and friends in one room was like the icing on the cake of this last year. And a perfect way to start out a fresh new year.

The year of 2012. A year of change. A new start. A clean slate. This is your year. Namaste.

Happy Monday!

When life dumps on snow, make snowmen, snow forts, and snow angels.  Try out snow shoes, go skating, skiing or snowboarding.  Don’t have snow where you live? We have lots here to share! Canadian living at its finest! Have a great Monday.  Namaste.

Get it.

There are just some people who “have it” in this life.  I am one of those people.  You can be too, if you aren’t already.

“I think, therefore I am.”  Rene Descartes.

Be sure to think of yourself in positive and successful ways.  This will ensure that you become, and stay, that person.  Namaste.

Love Yourself!

Here is my daughter Trinity.  She made this shirt the other morning for herself, and then proceeded to wear it for 3 days straight!

She is demonstrating here that you are never too young, or too old, to start loving yourself.  It seems easier to love yourself when you are young, and you have not had the experience of messing up or making mistakes in your life.  No matter what your experience, or your hardships, today is a new day.  The past is just that… past, gone, done.  Today is a new day, so start today with loving every piece of yourself.  Forgive yourself and open yourself up to the love that you have already inside of you.

So start proclaiming “I am the Best!” everyday. Because you are.  You deserve to love yourself and you are worth it.  Namaste!


Remember someone today who has done something special for you in the past.  If possible, send them a note, text, email or give them a phone call and tell them how much you appreciated what they did.  If contact with them is not possible, write them a note in your notebook and think fondly of them in your head.  Now, pay that thoughtful act forward and do something special for someone today, and everyday.  Namaste!

Soulful Sunday

Be thankful today for everything you have in your life. Tell someone in your life how much you appreciate them. Look straight up and tell the Universe that you appreciate everything. Smile at someone who isn’t smiling, and make them smile! Namaste!