
When you forgive someone for a wrongdoing, you set yourself free of the negative feelings associated with the act.  Just let it go, move on, and learn.  Forgiving is not accepting that what was done was correct.  It is releasing yourself from those emotions, and it will allow you to move forward in your own life.  You are what matters, so take care of you at all times.  Forgive Best books on self help, organizational book, books of motivation, books on change, success lawsfor yourself.  Namaste.

Promote Yourself.

Take a piece of paper and write down at the top

“Awesome things about ” Insert Your Name”.  For me, it would be “Awesome things about Tina O’Connor”.

Write down your accomplishments in life as of today.  Try to write down at least 5 things, but write as much as you can! Here are some examples:

  • I completed grade 12
  • I have a degree in ——-
  • I have volunteered at the women’s shelter
  • I secured a job at ——
  • I helped an older person across the street the other day
  • I am a licensed —–
  • I am in school to be a —–
  • I remember phone numbers, and PLU codes for vegetables, and my airmiles number
  • I never forget a face
  • I have an amazing smile
  • I am great with kids (or animals)
  • I am assertive (outgoing, fun, energetic, outrageous)
  • I play the violin (or piano, guitar, etc)
  • I can fit my fist in my mouth (this one is for someone special in my life!)

This is a personal list, and one that should be fun.  Read your list over when you are done, and give yourself a pat on the back.  YOU ARE AMAZING.

Now start treating yourself like the amazing person you are.   And starting today, do whatever it takes to add things to your awesome list.

Have an abundant day! Namaste.

Guilt is a gonner.

Do not allow yourself to feel guilt.  You are an amazing person, and no matter what decisions you have made, you need to forgive yourself and move on.  Guilt is a negative emotion that will make it easier for you to repeat unwanted behaviors.  Start telling yourself that you are amazing, and you will soon start believing it.

Turn that frown upside down!

Force yourself to consciously smile more.  When you are driving in the car, smile.  When you are walking through the grocery store, smile.  When you are losing your mind at work, smile! You may have to physically force it sometimes by using your fingers to push your frown up… but do it! People will look at you and wonder what you are smiling at…that is your secret! You’ll change your own mood, and the moods of others around you one smile at a time.