You already possess amazing things in your life that you can be happy about. Happiness is a choice. Start being thankful for what you do have, and it will change your opinion about you need to be happy.
Think it, Plan it, Do it.
If you can think it, you can plan it. If you can plan it, you can do it. Be from Planet Do-it!
“The possession of anything begins in the mind.”
Bruce Lee
Garden your Friendships
Do something nice for a friend today.
“A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often – just to save it from drying out completely.” Pam Brown
Give recognition where it’s due.
Make sure you tell the people in your life that you appreciate everything they do. People do not just innately know that you are grateful for what they do, so you need to tell them! Recognize the people who go above and beyond for you by saying “Thank You”. Flowers, cards, and wine are great things to send to people, but the most important part is that you are taking the time to say “wow, you do so much around here, and I really notice it, and appreciate it”. Put a smile on someone’s face today just by acknowledging what they do. Namaste.
Do as they do.
Want to be successful? Find someone who has already accomplished what you want to accomplish, and get them to mentor you somehow! Do as they do, and you too will learn to be successful. Always be careful who you take advice from. Free advice is usually worth exactly what you pay for it!
Get what you want.
Ask, and you shall receive.
It’s up to you.
Take full responsibility for where you are in your life. Do not blame others. You are in control of your destiny. Accept the responsibility for where you are now and then embrace with all your heart and soul the knowledge that you have the power change it.
Be That Boss!
You are your own boss. So, it’s time to start giving yourself the correct orders and then start listening to yourself. Now tell yourself that you are successful, positive and happy. Follow your own orders! Start bossing yourself around in all the right ways! Namaste.
Guilt is a gonner.
Do not allow yourself to feel guilt. You are an amazing person, and no matter what decisions you have made, you need to forgive yourself and move on. Guilt is a negative emotion that will make it easier for you to repeat unwanted behaviors. Start telling yourself that you are amazing, and you will soon start believing it.
Wealth Tip
Buy yourself a red wallet, or a red envelope. Checks and paystubs that you receive should be put in your wallet, or the envelope for a couple of days. Doing this will help to multiply your money. Namaste!