
Not too much. Not too little. Start getting things “just right” in your life by balancing, and prioritizing.

Been spending a lot of time at work? No worry’s. Just make sure you take some extra time to relax, have fun, and spend time with your family and friends. Been having too much fun lately? That’s ok too, but you still have to make up the time that you missed from the other things that require effort in your life. You can’t just slack off or you will not get the results you want in your life. Ensure that you have a healthy balance, and you will never feel ripped off when you have to put extra effort into other things in your life temporarily. Namaste.

If you want it.

“If you want it, here it is, come and get it. But you better hurry ’cause it’s going fast”. -The Beatles

You know what you want, and it is there waiting for you. Don’t make it wait too long. Go get it NOW. Namaste.

Happy Holidays from Be That Books.

A little Fleetwood.

“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow, don’t stop, it’ll soon be here…it will be better than before…yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone! Ooooooooh, don’t you look back” -Fleetwood Mac

Fleetwood Mac has always made me think fondly of my parents and our ’70s style brown and orange furniture. I catch myself often singing the above portion of their lyrics and I am inspired by this song.

Letting go of the past and understanding that the past is “gone” will help you live a happier present day life. Don’t look back, look ahead. Focus on your future today. You have the power to create whatever future that you see for yourself. So, dream big and have complete faith that your future will be even more amazing than today. Your future starts tomorrow. Look forward to it. Namaste.

On Reorganizing.

assumed that I must have left it somewhere last winter. I was sad.

Around the same time, I added to my to-do list to do all my filing and reorganize my office space as soon as some time came available. I had been putting off that project for too long, and I was not really looking forward to it, but I knew it had to be done. (unfinished projects are in your subconscious mind and they can stress you out even when you are not consciously thinking about them!)

In order to get our Year End completed for our businesses, our accountant required several items to be sent to her yesterday, so I was forced to re-prioritize my schedule and get the filing and clutter cleansing done. I was rather annoyed that I was being forced to do this task when I had lots of other things I would rather be doing!

In keeping with my clutter rules, I pulled everything out of my desk for assessment. And guess what? I found my favorite black hat! My filing is now complete and my desk area is clutter free and looks beautiful. And my year end is complete. Now that’s what I call a good day.

The Universe works in mysterious ways alright. I simply had to take action to find my hat, and put it out there that I wanted it! Then I wrote down the office task and the Universe assisted me in scheduling this task when it was required. And voila, my hat is returned to my head!

I love and trust the Universe. Namaste.

Meet my Coach Series, Part 1

I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the people who have influenced me in a positive way in my life.  I will call all of these people coaches, as they have “schooled” me in some way or another, and have been influential in supporting me to where I am today.  I hope you enjoy getting a closer look at my network.

The first person I want to introduce you to is a Powerful Woman who has literally always been there for me.  She has been caring for and supporting me in my life efforts for as long as I can remember, and even longer than that.  She has been, and continues to be a mentor, a friend, and the grandmother of my beautiful daughters.  She is my Mommy, Janet Legere, and I am so proud to introduce her to you!

Janet is an online marketing guru and mentor, and she has used the internet to fulfill her lifestyle dreams for years.  If you are thinking about marketing yourself, or your business online,  you need to hook up with Janet.  Check out her online mentoring site at

It is so hard to call her Janet, when Mom is all I have ever called her!

With Janet’s help, I have successfully set up all of my own websites and learned a tonne about online marketing.  And if I can do it, so can you.  Start using the internet to get your product, or yourself,  out to the world today!

No matter what my issue is, be it a website glitch, a babysitting nightmare, or a friendly ear for listening, my mom has always been there for me.   And I want to take this opportunity to thank her for all she has done for me.

Have an abundant day!

Take Action!

Take Action.

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”
Tony Robbins

Thoughts inspire action and action produces results. If you have done my Planet Do-it Seminar, then you have taken some action in your life already, so congratulations! The next step is to go after those goals with a passion that no one can interfere with. Take more action toward those goals, starting today. You can make it happen.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure of attending my Planet Do-it Seminar, I have just released a Video Version of this seminar so that you can attend my workshop at your convenience! Sign up to see my new Video NOW! If you have already attended my seminar, and you enjoyed it, now you can share it with your loved ones and friends.


When you forgive someone for a wrongdoing, you set yourself free of the negative feelings associated with the act.  Just let it go, move on, and learn.  Forgiving is not accepting that what was done was correct.  It is releasing yourself from those emotions, and it will allow you to move forward in your own life.  You are what matters, so take care of you at all times.  Forgive Best books on self help, organizational book, books of motivation, books on change, success lawsfor yourself.  Namaste.

Increase work wealth.

Buy an attractive plant for yourself and put it in your workspace. Place the plant on the far left corner of your desk, along with something red.  If the plant is in a red plant pot, perfect.  You can also add some red with a simple ribbon around your pot, or another object that pleases you.  If you do not have a desk in your workspace, no problem.  From the door into your workspace, place the plant in the farthest left corner.  Add some red here also.  Plants clean the air, they make you feel good, and they may just increase your wealth at work.  Namaste.