Success Law: Don’t Just Think…Do!

To get where you want to go, you have got to take action!

You need to keep your dreams and your end goals in mind and focus on them, but you will not get there unless you take some action! You can’t just think…you need to do!

In University, I focused on Neuroscience, and I got a lot of exposure to rats and surgical gloves! I remember the day that my professor demonstrated a rat perfusion, basically clearing the rats brain with saline and then putting the furry little guy in the rat guillotine and saying “off with his head!”. The brain was then removed and frozen in preparation for slicing. Honestly, I was just in shock watching this…it literally freaked me out!

Oddly enough, I still jumped at the chance to work in a neuroscience lab, which required me to do rat perfusions every day. The first time I performed the operation, it was not the same as watching it, or thinking about it. I was just focused on performing all of the actions properly, and collecting the research data, which would be found within the amazing brain I was preparing. Not as scary as I thought at all!

Thinking and doing are very different. You can scare the pants off yourself with your own thoughts, and your own imagination about how things might go. So, don’t think too much. Assess opportunities logically and then start taking action. Just do it!

You can “prepare” for things to happen,  but they will not actually happen unless you “do” things. So take the next step.

Do something that you’ve been scared to do today! It will be less scary than you thought…trust me! Your dreams are calling, and it’s time to start answering. Have a superb week.

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