Clearing some clutter can really have a powerful impact on you. When you are feeling like you don’t know what to do next, clear some clutter! Take 2 minutes and walk through your whole home, and look in every cupboard and closet. Notice how each room and closet feels to you. Do you feel warm and cozy and smiley in certain areas? Do you feel anxious and apprehensive about other areas? Be on the lookout for the area that makes you feel the most awful. Now find half an hour over the next two days to clear the clutter in that particular area. Set a timer for 30 minutes. Pull everything out of that space, assess its value to you and decide to keep it, toss it or donate it. If you keep it, YOU MUST have a tidy spot for it. Be ruthless. As one of my dear friends said to me the other day, edit your emotional life by releasing yourself from the emotional ties you have to your things. Put everything back neat and sweet and enjoy the positive energy that you have just created.
While you are clearing your space, your mind will be free to dream about all of the wonderful things you are going to do with yourself. When you see the beautiful results of your clutter removal, you will feel inspired and happy and more at peace. This will allow you to put more focus on your dreams and less focus on your worries. Have a fun and tidy weekend. Namaste.