How can I build confidence? It’s not personal.

This is your reminder to not take things personally when other people are having problems.  Sometimes people will attack you, or try to blame you for things that are happening in their lives.  As long as you are happy with the person that you are, do not allow others to steal your power away or bring you down.

It is much easier to blame others when you have problems than to face the fact that you may have your own issues that need to be dealt with.  Remember that the next time someone tries to put the responsibility on you for their behavior.

You are in full control of everything you do, and so is everyone else.  Take responsibility for your portion.  Face up to things that you have, or had, control over.  And do not allow others to project their fears or inadequacies onto you.

If you are not happy with things in your life, or with yourself, make the necessary changes and move on.  The past is not a hitching post… it is a jumping off point.

You have everything you need to succeed and be happy right now.  It is your life and you are in control.  Take the reins and ride off into the sunset starting today! Namaste.

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