Working Wednesday

Looking for a change but not sure what you want? Take action in a few different areas, and then let the Universe bring you the right things! Start looking at career ads, check into gym memberships or exercise classes, look for education classes in your area, search the internet for interesting things.  Always be on the lookout for relevant information and signs from the Universe.  You have already been given, or will be given, everything you need to succeed.  But you have to be looking for it to find it! Put your internal radar out there, and you will be AMAZED at what you find.  Happy hunting! 🙂

Tasty Tuesday

Make sure you eat breakfast every day.  Your body has been starved through the night, and it needs the immediate nourishment that breakfast gives.  Eating anything within the first hour of being awake will kick start your metabolism, which will help you lose weight and give you the energy you need to start your day off right.  So, go ahead and make yourself a piece of toast, or get a bowl of cereal.  Adding a fruit will make the energy last even longer.  What could be easier than a banana?   Feed your body, and you will feed your soul.  Have an abundant day!

Monday doesn’t have to suck!

If the thought of waking up to your current job on Monday morning gives you an anxious feeling in your stomach, you need to do something about it! Perhaps you need to look for another job… one that you are excited to wake up to every day! Perhaps the very thought of having ANY job starts your palms sweating! Remember that thoughts are things.  Mondays can be amazing if you are doing what you love, or if you change your mindset and start loving what you already do! You have all the power you need in your own head to make Mondays your favorite day.   Change is good, so go ahead and have a Happy Monday, starting today!


It’s Saturday.  Take time to visit a bookstore today and use your intuition to buy, or just research, some new books.  Just walk around the store and look at things with your perceptive eyes.  Pick up books and look through them.  There is information in those books that  you need to succeed, and subconsciously you already know where that information is.   Allow yourself to find that information by using your gut.  I cannot wait to hear what answers are revealed to you! Send me your comments after you complete this exercise! 🙂